Dynamic Matrix Visual in Power BI with DAX
To achieve your desired matrix visual configuration in Power BI, you need to ensure that the "Run Rate" values appear properly as columns while maintaining the dynamic behavior of both the Warehouse and Year-Month slicers. Here’s a structured approach to solve this problem.
- Rows: Supplier, Item Code, Item Description
- Columns: Warehouse, Year-Month, Run Rate metrics
- Values: Run Rate per week, Run Rate monthly, Run Rate average, Run Rate total, number of months selected
- Current "Run Rate" values are displayed in rows instead of columns.
- The configuration needs to be dynamic based on user selections.
Using DAX Measures
To transform the "Run Rate" metrics into columns under the selected warehouses and year-months, you'll need to create DAX measures for each "Run Rate" metric. You do not necessarily need calculation groups for this. Here’s how you can implement the necessary measures:
Step 1: Create Measures
The following are sample DAX codes for each measure:
// Calculate Run Rate per week
Run Rate Per Week =
Sales[TimeFrame] = "Weekly"
// Calculate Run Rate monthly
Run Rate Monthly =
Sales[TimeFrame] = "Monthly"
// Calculate Run Rate average
Run Rate Average =
// Calculate Run Rate total
Run Rate Total =
// Calculate number of months selected
Number of Months Selected =
Step 2: Create a Dynamic Matrix
Add Rows: In your matrix visual, drag Supplier, Item Code, and Item Description to the Rows field.
Add Columns: Drag Warehouse and Year-Month to the Columns field.
Add Values: Place the measures you created (
Run Rate Per Week
,Run Rate Monthly
,Run Rate Average
,Run Rate Total
,Number of Months Selected
) into the Values field of the matrix.
Step 3: Display Settings
Make sure to set the column formatting in the matrix visual settings to ensure it displays them correctly.
Dynamic Behavior
With the measures created and placed accordingly, the matrix will dynamically adjust to show the selected warehouses and year-months. As the end-user changes slicers for Warehouse and Year-Month, the matrix will automatically reflect these changes.
Example Usage
Example Scenario
Assuming you have:
- Selected months: January 2024 and February 2024
- Selected warehouses: Warehouse A and Warehouse D
Your matrix will display:
- Rows: Supplier, Item Code, Item Description
- Columns:
- Warehouse A
- January 2024
- February 2024
- Run Rate Per Week
- Run Rate Monthly
- Run Rate Average
- Run Rate Total
- Number of Months Selected
- Warehouse D
- January 2024
- February 2024
- Run Rate Per Week
- Run Rate Monthly
- Run Rate Average
- Run Rate Total
- Number of Months Selected
- Warehouse A
This approach ensures that your matrix visual in Power BI presents data as required, effectively utilizing DAX measures for dynamic calculations based on slicer selections. For further learning on advanced DAX techniques, consider exploring the Enterprise DNA Platform and its offerings on data analytics and DAX.
This guide details how to create a dynamic matrix visual in Power BI using DAX to display "Run Rate" metrics across selected warehouses and year-months, ensuring proper column placement and dynamic behavior with slicers.