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Dynamic Sorting in Excel with the SORT Function

Learn how to create a dynamic sorting table in Excel using the `SORT` function. This guide provides a clear formula and practical example to sort data based on first names easily.

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what formula would I use to make a dynamic sorting tablebased on first names


Dynamic Sorting Table Based on First Names in Excel

Formula to Use

To create a dynamic sorting table based on first names, you can utilize the SORT function available in Excel. The formula can be structured as follows:

=SORT(A2:B10, 1, TRUE)

Explanation of the Formula

  • SORT: This is the primary function used to sort a range of data.
  • A2:B10: This is the range of data you want to sort. Adjust the cell references according to your table.
  • 1: This indicates the column number in the specified range to sort by. In this case, it is the first column where the first names are located.
  • TRUE: This parameter specifies the sort order. TRUE indicates ascending order, while FALSE represents descending order.

Practical Example

Imagine you have a dataset containing first names and last names structured as follows:

First Name Last Name
John Doe
Jane Smith
Alice Johnson
Bob Brown

To create a dynamic sorted table based on the first names, place the formula in another section of your worksheet:

  1. In cell D1, enter the formula:
    =SORT(A2:B5, 1, TRUE)

  2. Upon pressing Enter, this will generate a dynamic sorted table based on the first names.


First Name Last Name
Alice Johnson
Bob Brown
Jane Smith
John Doe


The SORT function provides an effective way to dynamically sort a range in Excel based on specific columns. By applying this formula to your dataset, you can efficiently organize your data based on first names, enhancing your data analysis capabilities.

For further learning on dynamic tables and advanced Excel formulas, consider exploring resources available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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Learn how to create a dynamic sorting table in Excel using the SORT function. This guide provides a clear formula and practical example to sort data based on first names easily.