Pseudo Code Generator

eLMS Assignment Submission Pseudo Code

This pseudo code outlines the step-by-step process for submitting an assignment in an eLearning Management System (eLMS), including user login, course selection, assignment submission, and confirmation.

Empty image or helper icon


1. Start

2. Log In: Enter your username and password to access your eLMS account.

3. Go to Your Course: Select the course where you need to submit the assignment from your list of courses.

4. Find Assignments: Look for the section or menu where assignments are listed, often labeled "Assignments".

5. Locate the Dropbox: Find the specific Dropbox for your assignment. It might be listed by its title or due date.

6. Prepare Your File: Get your file or document ready for submission, ensuring it meets the assignment criteria.

7. Upload Your File: Click the button to submit or upload your file, which may be labeled "Submit" or "Upload."

8. Choose the File: Select the correct file from your computer or device.

9. Confirm Submission: Double-check your submission details and confirm by clicking "Submit" or "Upload."

10. End


Pseudo Code for eLMS Assignment Submission Process

1. Start

Initialize the process.

2. Log In

  • Prompt user for username and password
  • Validate user credentials
    • If credentials are valid:
      • Proceed to the next step
    • Else:
      • Display error message "Invalid username or password"
      • Return to Log In

3. Go to Your Course

  • Display list of courses to the user
  • Prompt user to select a course
  • Set selectedCourse to the user's choice

4. Find Assignments

  • Navigate to selectedCourse
  • Locate the "Assignments" section
  • Display assignments for selectedCourse

5. Locate the Dropbox

  • Display the list of assignments with titles and due dates
  • Prompt user to select the specific assignment for submission
  • Set selectedAssignment to user's choice

6. Prepare Your File

  • Prompt user to prepare the file for submission
    • Ensure file meets assignment criteria
    • Set file status to ready

7. Upload Your File

  • Display upload button labeled "Submit" or "Upload"
  • Wait for user to click on the upload button

8. Choose the File

  • Open file selection dialog
  • Prompt user to choose the correct file from device
  • Set selectedFile to the chosen file

9. Confirm Submission

  • Display submission details:
    • Assignment title
    • File name
  • Prompt user to confirm by clicking "Submit" or "Upload"
  • If user confirms:
    • Complete the submission
    • Display success message "Submission Successful"
  • Else:
    • Allow user to go back and modify file or details

10. End

Finalize the process and log out if necessary.

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This pseudo code outlines the step-by-step process for submitting an assignment in an eLearning Management System (eLMS), including user login, course selection, assignment submission, and confirmation.