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Employee Work Hours Calculator

This tool calculates remaining work hours for each employee based on the current week number and summarizes total remaining hours for all employees, using DAX measures for precise and context-sensitive computations.

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I have a number of employees that have a set amount of available hours to work each year.  I need to project out how many hours of work they have left in the year based upon the week number of the year.  I have a dates table that for every day, has the week number of the year.  Based upon the week number of the year, I need to project how much hours they have left to work.  How would I do this in DAX?  How do I also get the total number to sum up all the available hours left correctly? don't I need something like Ifhasonevalue?  Remember every employee may have a different amount of hours left.



To calculate the remaining work hours for each employee based on the week number of the year using DAX. Additionally, compute the total remaining hours for all employees, taking into account that each employee has a unique amount of hours left.


  1. Input Data:

    • A dates table containing the week number for each day.
    • Employee-specific data for the available work hours for the year.
  2. Output:

    • Remaining work hours for each employee.
    • Sum of the remaining work hours for all employees.


Step 1: Define Remaining Work Hours Measure

Create a DAX measure to calculate the remaining work hours for each employee based on the current week number.

// Define a measure to calculate the remaining work hours for each employee
RemainingWorkHours = 
VAR CurrentWeekNumber = MAX(Dates[WeekNumber]) // Get the current week number
VAR WeeksInYear = 52 // Total number of weeks in a year (assuming no partial weeks)
VAR HoursPerWeek = [TotalHoursPerYear] / WeeksInYear // Calculate hours per week

// Calculate the remaining weeks in the year
VAR RemainingWeeks = WeeksInYear - CurrentWeekNumber

// Calculate and return the remaining work hours
RETURN [TotalHoursPerYear] - (HoursPerWeek * (CurrentWeekNumber - 1))

Step 2: Calculate Total Remaining Work Hours for All Employees

Create another DAX measure to sum up the remaining work hours for all employees.

// Define a measure to sum the remaining work hours for all employees
TotalRemainingWorkHours = 
    Employees, // Assuming there is an Employees table
    [RemainingWorkHours] // Use the measure defined above


To ensure calculations consider each employee independently, IFHASONEVALUE can be employed. This checks if the context is for a single employee and avoids incorrect aggregations.

// Define the measure for remaining work hours ensuring single employee context
RemainingWorkHours = 
VAR CurrentWeekNumber = MAX(Dates[WeekNumber])
VAR WeeksInYear = 52
VAR HoursPerWeek = [TotalHoursPerYear] / WeeksInYear
VAR RemainingWeeks = WeeksInYear - CurrentWeekNumber

// Ensure the calculation is done in the context of a single employee
IF (
    [TotalHoursPerYear] - (HoursPerWeek * (CurrentWeekNumber - 1)),

Final DAX Measures

  1. Remaining Work Hours for each Employee:
RemainingWorkHours = 
VAR CurrentWeekNumber = MAX(Dates[WeekNumber])
VAR WeeksInYear = 52
VAR HoursPerWeek = [TotalHoursPerYear] / WeeksInYear
VAR RemainingWeeks = WeeksInYear - CurrentWeekNumber

IF (
    [TotalHoursPerYear] - (HoursPerWeek * (CurrentWeekNumber - 1)),
  1. Total Remaining Work Hours for all Employees:
TotalRemainingWorkHours = 


  • CurrentWeekNumber: Retrieves the current week number from the dates table.
  • WeeksInYear: Defines the total number of weeks in a year.
  • HoursPerWeek: Calculates the weekly hours an employee is expected to work.
  • RemainingWeeks: Calculates the number of weeks left in the year.
  • RemainingWorkHours: Measures the remaining hours based on the current week and ensures it's calculated per employee context using IFHASONEVALUE.
  • TotalRemainingWorkHours: Sums up the remaining work hours of all employees using the SUMX function to iterate through each employee.


By using these DAX measures, you can compute both the individual remaining work hours for employees and the total remaining work hours accurately. This approach ensures clarity and precision in the calculations while maintaining an easy-to-understand structure for the code.

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This tool calculates remaining work hours for each employee based on the current week number and summarizes total remaining hours for all employees, using DAX measures for precise and context-sensitive computations.