Language/Technology Identification
The code snippet provided is written in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), commonly used for macros in Excel.
Original Code
Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim targetSheetName As String
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Dim wasHidden As Boolean
Dim cellAddress As String
' Извлечение имени листа и адреса ячейки из гиперссылки
targetSheetName = Split(Target.SubAddress, "!")(0)
cellAddress = Split(Target.SubAddress, "!")(1)
On Error Resume Next
Set targetSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(targetSheetName)
On Error GoTo 0
' Проверка, существует ли лист и скрыт ли он
If Not targetSheet Is Nothing Then
If targetSheet.Visible = xlSheetHidden Or targetSheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden Then
wasHidden = True
targetSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible
wasHidden = False
End If
' Переход на целевой лист и адрес ячейки
Application.Goto targetSheet.Range(cellAddress), True
' Скрытие листа, если он был скрыт ранее
If wasHidden Then
targetSheet.Visible = xlSheetHidden
End If
MsgBox "Лист " & targetSheetName & " не найден.", vbExclamation
End If
End Sub
Refactored Code
' Handles the event when a hyperlink is clicked in the worksheet
Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Dim targetWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim targetSheetName As String
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Dim wasSheetHidden As Boolean
Dim targetCellAddress As String
' Extract the worksheet name and cell address from the hyperlink
targetSheetName = Split(Target.SubAddress, "!")(0)
targetCellAddress = Split(Target.SubAddress, "!")(1)
On Error Resume Next
Set targetSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(targetSheetName)
On Error GoTo 0
' Check if the worksheet exists and if it is hidden
If Not targetSheet Is Nothing Then
If targetSheet.Visible = xlSheetHidden Or targetSheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden Then
wasSheetHidden = True
targetSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible
wasSheetHidden = False
End If
' Navigate to the target worksheet and cell address
Application.Goto targetSheet.Range(targetCellAddress), True
' Hide the worksheet again if it was previously hidden
If wasSheetHidden Then
targetSheet.Visible = xlSheetHidden
End If
MsgBox "Worksheet " & targetSheetName & " not found.", vbExclamation
End If
End Sub
Annotations of Changes
Variable and Method Names:
- Original:
- Refactored:
- Rationale: Improved clarity by using more descriptive names, aligning with naming conventions for better readability and maintainability.
- Original:
- Original:
Извлечение имени листа и адреса ячейки из гиперссылки
(Extracting sheet name and cell address from the hyperlink)
- Refactored:
Extract the worksheet name and cell address from the hyperlink
- Rationale: Rephrased comments to be in English, ensuring consistency with the code's language for better understanding by a wider audience.
- Original:
Additional Changes:
- Original:
Application.Goto targetSheet.Range(cellAddress), True
- Refactored:
Application.Goto targetSheet.Range(targetCellAddress), True
- Rationale: Ensuring consistency with renamed variables.
- Original:
- Original:
MsgBox "Лист " & targetSheetName & " не найден.", vbExclamation
- Refactored:
MsgBox "Worksheet " & targetSheetName & " not found.", vbExclamation
- Rationale: Ensuring error messages are in English to align with the rest of the code.
- Original:
The refactored version of the code improves clarity, readability, and maintainability by using descriptive names and consistent language. Comments are rephrased for better understanding, and proper naming conventions are followed throughout the code.
This refactored VBA code streamlines the handling of hyperlink clicks in Excel worksheets, improving variable naming, comments, and overall clarity for better readability and maintenance while ensuring functionality remains intact.
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