Pseudo Code Generator

Even or Odd Number Checker

This pseudo code outlines a simple program to check if a given integer is even or odd by using the modulo operator and conditional statements to display the appropriate result.

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Write a program to determine if a number is even or odd.


Pseudo Code for Determining Even or Odd Number


To create a program that checks if a given number is even or odd.


  • A single integer number.


  • A message indicating whether the number is "Even" or "Odd".

Pseudo Code

  1. Start

  2. Declare variables

    • number : Integer
    • result : String
  3. Input number

    • Prompt user to enter an integer
    • Read and store the input in number
  4. Check if the number is even or odd

    • If number modulo 2 equals 0
      • Set result to "Even"
    • Else
      • Set result to "Odd"
  5. Output the result

    • Print result
  6. End

Explanation of Logic

  • The modulo operator (%) is used to determine the remainder when the number is divided by 2.
  • If the remainder is 0, the number is even; otherwise, it is odd.
  • Simple conditional statements are used to determine and display the result.

This pseudo code clearly outlines the steps required to determine whether a number is even or odd, facilitating easy understanding for implementation in any programming language.

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This pseudo code outlines a simple program to check if a given integer is even or odd by using the modulo operator and conditional statements to display the appropriate result.