Formula Generator | Excel

Excel Conditional Parent ID Assignment

This guide explains how to use the `IF` formula in Excel to assign a Parent ID of "156" for the Client Name "Crook Brothers". It includes the formula syntax, a practical example, and a brief conclusion on its usage.

Empty image or helper icon


If Client Name is "Crook Brothers" then Parent ID is "156"


Excel Formula for Conditional Assignment

Formula Creation

To create a formula that assigns a Parent ID of "156" based on the Client Name being "Crook Brothers", the following IF formula can be used:

=IF(A1="Crook Brothers", "156", "")

Explanation of the Formula

  • Function Used: IF

    • The IF function checks a condition and returns one value if true and another value if false.
  • Syntax:

    • IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)
  • Parameters:

    • logical_test: A1="Crook Brothers" checks if the value in cell A1 equals "Crook Brothers".
    • value_if_true: "156" is returned if the condition is true.
    • value_if_false: "" returns an empty string if the condition is false, indicating no assigned Parent ID.

Practical Example

Assuming you have the following data in your Excel sheet:

Client Name Parent ID
Crook Brothers =IF(A2="Crook Brothers", "156", "")
Smith Corp =IF(A3="Crook Brothers", "156", "")
Jones LLC =IF(A4="Crook Brothers", "156", "")
  • In cell B2, if A2 contains "Crook Brothers", it will display "156".
  • In cells B3 and B4, since the Client Names do not match, it will display empty strings.


This formula provides a straightforward method to conditionally assign a value based on the Client Name in Excel. For more advanced techniques and automation in Excel, consider exploring resources on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This guide explains how to use the IF formula in Excel to assign a Parent ID of "156" for the Client Name "Crook Brothers". It includes the formula syntax, a practical example, and a brief conclusion on its usage.