Code Generator | Excel

Excel Function for Extracting Initials from Names

This document details a custom Excel function, `GetInitials`, that efficiently extracts initials from full names formatted as "First Last" and returns them in "F.L." format, alongside input validation for reliability.

Empty image or helper icon


extracts initials from first and last names


Excel Function to Extract Initials from Names

This document outlines a custom Excel function to extract initials from a given first and last name.

Function Overview

The function GetInitials will take a full name in the format "First Last" and return the initials in the format "F.L".

Function Code

Function GetInitials(fullName As String) As String
    ' Extracts initials from a full name string
    ' Validate input
    If IsEmpty(fullName) Then
        GetInitials = "Invalid Input"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim nameParts() As String
    nameParts = Split(fullName, " ") ' Split the name by space
    ' Ensure there are at least two parts (first and last name)
    If UBound(nameParts) < 1 Then
        GetInitials = "Invalid Input"
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Create initials string
    Dim initials As String
    initials = UCase(Left(nameParts(0), 1)) & "." & UCase(Left(nameParts(1), 1)) ' First and Last initials
    ' Return result
    GetInitials = initials
End Function

Breakdown of the Code

  1. Imports and Libraries: This function does not require any additional libraries; it is standard VBA.

  2. Input Validation:

    • Checks if the input fullName is empty.
    • Validates that the split name contains at least a first and last name.
  3. Logic:

    • Uses the Split function to divide fullName into individual parts based on spaces.
    • Constructs the initials by taking the first character of the first name and the first character of the last name, converting them to uppercase.
  4. Return Value:

    • Returns initials in "F.L." format or an error message for invalid inputs.

Usage Example

  1. Open Excel and press ALT + F11 to open the VBA editor.
  2. Insert a new module and paste the above code into the module.
  3. Save and return to Excel.
  4. Use the function directly in a cell like this:
=GetInitials("John Doe")

This will yield:



The GetInitials function is a simple yet efficient tool for extracting initials from a full name in Excel. It includes robust input validation and is easy to use. For further learning and advanced Excel analytics, consider exploring the courses offered on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This document details a custom Excel function, GetInitials, that efficiently extracts initials from full names formatted as "First Last" and returns them in "F.L." format, alongside input validation for reliability.