Formula Generator | Excel

Extracting Numbers from Strings in Excel

This guide provides an Excel formula to extract numeric substrings from a string, detailing the formula's components and their functionality, along with practical examples and usage notes for better understanding.

Empty image or helper icon


extracts data starting with first number in a string and stops at first non-number


Formula for Extracting Numbers from a String in Excel


To extract the substring starting with the first numeric character and stopping at the first non-numeric character from a given string.

Excel Formula:

The following formula can be utilized to achieve this:

=TRIM(LEFT(MID(A1, MIN(IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(MID(A1, ROW($1:$100), 1)), MID(A1, ROW($1:$100), 1), "")), ROW($1:$100)), 100), FIND(" ", MID(A1, MIN(IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(MID(A1, ROW($1:$100), 1)), MID(A1, ROW($1:$100), 1), "")), ROW($1:$100)), 100) & " ") - 1))

Explanation of the Formula:

  1. MID Function:

    • MID(A1, ROW($1:$100), 1): This part generates an array of each character in the string located in cell A1 for the first 100 characters.

    • ISNUMBER(VALUE(...)): This checks if each character can be converted to a number, effectively identifying numeric characters.
  3. MIN Function:

    • MIN(IF(...)): This returns the position of the first numeric character found in the string.
  4. LEFT and FIND Functions:

    • The MID function extracts the substring beginning from the first numeric character to a defined length (in this case, 100 characters).
    • The FIND function is utilized to locate the position of the first space, which aids in determining where to truncate the substring.
  5. TRIM Function:

    • This removes any leading or trailing spaces from the final extracted string.

Practical Example:

Assuming cell A1 contains the following string:

Using the formula in cell B1, you will obtain:

This signifies that the formula successfully extracted the sequence of numbers starting with the first numeric character up to the first non-numeric character.


  • Adjust the $1:$100 range in the ROW function if the string could potentially exceed 100 characters; ensure it captures the longest expected string.
  • This formula operates under the assumption that the string contains at least one numeric character. If no numeric characters are present, it will return an error.

Learning Resources:

To further enhance your skills in Excel formulas and data manipulation, consider exploring the learning resources available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This guide provides an Excel formula to extract numeric substrings from a string, detailing the formula's components and their functionality, along with practical examples and usage notes for better understanding.