Code Generator | M (Power Query)

Fetch Products from API using Power Query

This documentation details the `GetProducts` function in Power Query (M), designed to fetch product data from an API while handling errors gracefully. It returns a table of products or an empty table if the API fetch fails or no products

Empty image or helper icon


Izbacuje ništa praznu tabelu 
    // Function to get products from API
    GetProducts = () as table =>
        // API URL
        url = "",
        // Fetch data from URL
        Source = Json.Document(Web.BrowserContents(url)),
        // Validate and extract products
        Products = try Source otherwise null,
        // Check if Products is null and return an empty table if so
        ProductsList = if Products <> null then Products else {},
        // Convert products list to table
        ProductsTable = Table.FromList(ProductsList, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error)


Power Query Function to Fetch Products from API

This documentation outlines an M (Power Query) function that retrieves product data from a specified API. If the API returns an error or no products, the function returns an empty table.

Function Overview

Function Name: GetProducts


This function retrieves products from an API designed for a category search. It handles errors gracefully by checking for null responses and returning an empty table if the API fetch fails or provides no products.


  • None


  • A table containing the products or an empty table if no products are found or an error occurs.


  • Raises errors related to network issues or invalid API responses are caught and handled.


    // Function to get products from API
    GetProducts = () as table =>
        // API URL for fetching products
        url = "",
        // Fetch data from the specified URL
        Source = Json.Document(Web.BrowserContents(url)),
        // Attempt to extract products from the source
        Products = try Source otherwise null,
        // Check if Products is null and return an empty table if so
        ProductsList = if Products <> null then Products[products] else {},
        // Convert products list to a table; returns an empty table if ProductsList is empty
        ProductsTable = Table.FromList(ProductsList, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error)
    // Invoke the function to test

Explanation of Key Steps

  1. API URL Definition: The URL variable sets the endpoint for the API call.
  2. Data Fetching: The Web.BrowserContents function fetches the data, and Json.Document parses the JSON response.
  3. Error Handling: The try ... otherwise construct ensures that if an error occurs (e.g., invalid response), it falls back to null.
  4. Conditional List Extraction: Checks if Products is not null; if it is, it initializes ProductsList as an empty list.
  5. Table Creation: Converts the list to a table with Table.FromList. Returns an empty table if no products exist.

Code Usage Example

To utilize this function in Power Query, simply call it from any query like this:

    // Call the GetProducts function to fetch data
    ProductTable = GetProducts()

This call will return a table of products from the specified API or an empty table if none are available. For additional Power Query training and resources, consider exploring the content offered by Enterprise DNA.

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This documentation details the GetProducts function in Power Query (M), designed to fetch product data from an API while handling errors gracefully. It returns a table of products or an empty table if the API fetch fails or no products are available.