Pseudo Code Generator

Filter and Display IPO Records with Specific Conditions

This pseudocode outlines a function to filter and display records from a list based on conditions: the ticker must end with "q", listing type must be "IPO", and exposure must be "Yes".

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Display when the ticker ends in "q", the listing type is "IPO", and exposure is "Yes"


Pseudocode for Displaying Records Based on Conditions


Display records where:

  • The ticker ends with "q"
  • The listing type is "IPO"
  • The exposure is "Yes"


  • Input data in the form of a list of dictionaries or similar data structure with the keys ticker, listingType, and exposure.
  • Each record in the list represents an entry to be evaluated against the conditions.


DEFINE function display_filtered_records(records)
    FOR EACH record IN records
        SET ticker TO record["ticker"]
        SET listingType TO record["listingType"]
        SET exposure TO record["exposure"]
        IF ticker ENDSWITH "q" AND listingType == "IPO" AND exposure == "Yes"
            PRINT record


  1. Define Function:

    • display_filtered_records(records): A function that processes a list of records.
  2. Iterate Over Records:

    • Loop through each record in the records list.
  3. Extract Values:

    • Extract the values ticker, listingType, and exposure from the current record.
  4. Check Conditions:

    • Check if ticker ends with "q", listingType equals "IPO", and exposure equals "Yes".
  5. Print Record:

    • If all conditions are met, print the record.

This pseudocode provides a clear, step-by-step method for filtering and displaying records based on specified conditions.

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This pseudocode outlines a function to filter and display records from a list based on conditions: the ticker must end with "q", listing type must be "IPO", and exposure must be "Yes".