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Filter One Column by Another in Power BI DAX

This guide describes a DAX function to filter one field in a Power BI table based on the values of another field within the same table, enhancing data analysis capabilities effectively.

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How to filter one field in a table by another field in same table?


Power BI Function to Filter One Field by Another in the Same Table

In Power BI, you might want to filter one field in a table based on the values of another field within the same table. This can be achieved through DAX (Data Analysis Expressions). Below is a structured guide on how to create such a filtering function.


This DAX function will allow you to filter one column in a table based on the criteria applied to another column within the same table.

Code Implementation

Necessary Imports

DAX does not require explicit imports like other programming languages, but ensure you are in the Power BI environment.

Function Definition

FilterByOtherField = 
VAR SelectedValue = SELECTEDVALUE(TableName[FieldToFilterBy])
        TableName[FieldToFilter] = SelectedValue

Documentation Block

 * FilterByOtherField
 * This function filters one column in a table based on the selected value of another column within the same table.
 * Parameters:
 * - None
 * Return Type:
 * - Table with filtered results based on the field comparison.
 * Exceptions:
 * - This function may return an empty table if no matching values are found.

Input Validation

  • Ensure TableName is the actual name of your table.
  • Ensure FieldToFilter and FieldToFilterBy are valid columns in the specified table.

Inline Comments

  • VAR SelectedValue stores the currently selected value from the field used for filtering.
  • The FILTER function evaluates each row of TableName, returning only the rows where FieldToFilter matches the SelectedValue.

Usage Example

Assuming you have a table called SalesData with the columns ProductID and Category, and you want to filter Category based on ProductID, the DAX function will look like this:

FilteredSales = 
VAR SelectedCategory = SELECTEDVALUE(SalesData[ProductID])
        SalesData[Category] = SelectedCategory


This approach effectively creates a filter in Power BI allowing interaction between columns within the same table, enhancing your data analysis capabilities. If you're looking to deepen your understanding of Power BI and DAX, consider exploring courses offered on the Enterprise DNA Platform for practical insights and advanced techniques.

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This guide describes a DAX function to filter one field in a Power BI table based on the values of another field within the same table, enhancing data analysis capabilities effectively.