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First Letter Selector

This task identifies whether the letter 'a' or 'b' appears first in a given string. By comparing their indexes, it outputs the letter that comes first in the input string.

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Со стандартного ввода подается строка.

Выведите, какая буква встречается раньше — a или b.

Известно, что обе буквы встречаются.


Explanation of the Problem

Task Overview

The problem requires determining which letter, 'a' or 'b', appears first in a given string input. It is guaranteed that both letters are present in the string.


  • A string containing both the letters 'a' and 'b'.


  • You need to print 'a' if it appears before 'b' in the string, or 'b' if it appears before 'a'.

Simple Approach to Solve the Problem

  1. Read Input: Get the string input from the user.
  2. Find Positions: Identify the position (index) of the first occurrence of 'a' and 'b' in the string.
  3. Compare Positions:
    • If the index of 'a' is less than the index of 'b', it means 'a' comes first.
    • Otherwise, 'b' comes first.
  4. Output Result: Print the letter that appears first.

Example Execution Steps


Assume the input string is “caxby”.

Finding Positions

  1. Find the index of 'a':
    • Index of 'a' = 1 (it is the second character).
  2. Find the index of 'b':
    • Index of 'b' = 3 (it is the fourth character).


  • Compare the indexes:
    • Since 1 (index of 'a') < 3 (index of 'b'), 'a' is printed.


Print 'a'.

Sample Code Snippet (Python)

# Read the input string from standard input
input_string = input().strip()

# Find the first occurrence of 'a' and 'b'
index_a = input_string.index('a')
index_b = input_string.index('b')

# Compare indexes and print the corresponding letter
if index_a < index_b:


  • Read the input string which includes both 'a' and 'b'.
  • Determine the first occurrence of each letter.
  • Compare their positions and print the one that appears first.

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This task identifies whether the letter 'a' or 'b' appears first in a given string. By comparing their indexes, it outputs the letter that comes first in the input string.