Pseudo Code Representation of Flask Application
The code provided is a Flask web application that serves various endpoints for generating knowledge graphs, saving/loading roadmaps, exporting different formats, and managing templates. It also includes socket events for real-time updates. Below is the pseudo code representation outlining the main logic and functionality.
Pseudo Code
FUNCTION initialize_app():
CREATE Flask application instance
SET app configuration (SECRET_KEY)
INITIALIZE SocketIO with the Flask app
RETURN app, socketio
Route Definitions
Home Page
FUNCTION define_routes(app):
FUNCTION index():
RETURN render HTML template 'index.html'
Generate Knowledge Graph
@app.route('/generate', methods=['POST'])
FUNCTION generate():
READING JSON request body for 'topic'
subtopics = process_topic(topic)
graph_data = generate_knowledge_graph(topic, subtopics)
RETURN JSON response with graph_data
Save Roadmap
@app.route('/save', methods=['POST'])
FUNCTION save():
roadmap_data = READING JSON request body
roadmap_id = save_roadmap(roadmap_data)
RETURN JSON response with roadmap_id
Load Roadmap
@app.route('/load/', methods=['GET'])
FUNCTION load(roadmap_id):
roadmap_data = load_roadmap(roadmap_id)
IF 'error' in roadmap_data:
RETURN JSON response with error and HTTP status code
RETURN JSON response with roadmap_data
Export as PDF
@app.route('/export/pdf', methods=['POST'])
FUNCTION export_pdf():
svg_data = READING JSON request body for 'svg'
buffer = NEW BytesIO instance
drawing = convert SVG to reportlab drawing
renderPDF.drawToFile(drawing, buffer)
RETURN file from buffer as PDF
Export as Image
@app.route('/export/image', methods=['POST'])
FUNCTION export_image():
svg_data = READING JSON request body for 'svg'
buffer = NEW BytesIO instance
drawing = convert SVG to reportlab drawing
img = convert drawing to image, format='PNG')
RETURN file from buffer as PNG
Export as HTML
@app.route('/export/html', methods=['POST'])
FUNCTION export_html():
graph_data = READING JSON request body
html_content = render HTML template 'export.html' with graph_data
RETURN JSON response with html_content
Template Management
@app.route('/templates', methods=['GET'])
FUNCTION get_templates():
templates = list_templates()
RETURN JSON response with templates
@app.route('/templates/', methods=['GET'])
FUNCTION get_template(name):
template_data = load_template(name)
IF template_data is None:
RETURN JSON response with error 'Template not found'
RETURN JSON response with template_data
WebSocket Events
FUNCTION handle_connect():
PRINT 'Client connected'
FUNCTION handle_disconnect():
PRINT 'Client disconnected'
FUNCTION handle_update_node(data):
emit 'node_updated' with data to all clients
FUNCTION handle_add_node(data):
emit 'node_added' with data to all clients
FUNCTION handle_delete_node(data):
emit 'node_deleted' with data to all clients
Application Execution
IF __name__ == '__main__':
RUN socketio app on specified host and port with debug mode
This pseudo code provides a clear and simplified representation of the logic implemented in the original Flask application. Each function and route is described in a manner that highlights the steps and structures used in the application, facilitating understanding and documentation.
This pseudo code outlines a Flask web application for generating knowledge graphs, handling roadmaps, exporting data in various formats, and managing templates, along with real-time updates via WebSocket events.