Pseudo Code Generator

FSAMItemsDue Calculation Logic

This document outlines a structured pseudo code for calculating the count of distinct items based on specific conditions related to `FSAMIndicator` and `Due Status` using a function.

Empty image or helper icon


FSAMItemsDue =
(ItemEssentials[Ref No]),ItemEssentials[FSAMIndicator] =
(ItemEssentials[Due Status] =
,ItemEssentials[Due Status] =
"Currently Due"


Pseudo Code for FSAMItemsDue Calculation


Define a logic to calculate the number of distinct items that meet specific conditions regarding the FSAMIndicator and Due Status.

Pseudo Code Structure

  1. Define the Function

    • Name the function to encapsulate the calculation.
  2. Initialize Calculation

    • Utilize a calculation mechanism (e.g., CALCULATE).
  3. Count Condition

    • Use a distinct count function on the relevant column.
  4. Incorporate Filters

    • Apply filters based on FSAMIndicator and Due Status.
  5. Output Result

    • Return the calculated count or a default value of zero if no items meet the criteria.

Pseudo Code

FUNCTION CalculateFSAMItemsDue()
    // Initialize the distinct count variable
    SET distinct_count = 0

    // Create a filter for FSAMIndicator
    SET fsam_filter = ItemEssentials[FSAMIndicator] EQUALS "Yes"

    // Create a filter for Due Status
    SET due_status_filter = (
        ItemEssentials[Due Status] EQUALS "Overdue" OR
        ItemEssentials[Due Status] EQUALS "Currently Due"

    // Apply the calculation with the defined filters
    DISTINCT_ITEM_COUNT = COUNT_DISTINCT(ItemEssentials[Ref No] WHERE (fsam_filter AND due_status_filter))

    // Combine with 0

    // Return the final count


  • Function Declaration: Define a function named CalculateFSAMItemsDue to encapsulate the logic.
  • Filter Creation: The fsam_filter ensures that only items with a Yes value in FSAMIndicator are considered, while due_status_filter checks if an item has a Due Status of either "Overdue" or "Currently Due".
  • Counting Logic: The COUNT_DISTINCT function counts unique reference numbers under the specified filters.
  • Output: The result adds zero to the counted value, explicitly ensuring the output type remains a number.

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This document outlines a structured pseudo code for calculating the count of distinct items based on specific conditions related to FSAMIndicator and Due Status using a function.