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Geometric Volume Calculator in Python

This document outlines a Python function to compute the volume of shapes like spheres, cylinders, and cubes. It allows input validation and handles exceptions, making volume calculations straightforward and error-resistant.

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calculate the volume


Volume Calculation Function in Python


This document presents a Python function to calculate the volume of various geometric shapes, specifically a sphere, cylinder, and cube. Each shape has its own volume formula, and the function allows users to specify which shape they want to calculate the volume for, along with the necessary dimensions.

Necessary Imports

import math

Function Definition

def calculate_volume(shape, **kwargs):
    Calculate the volume of a specified geometric shape.

    shape (str): The type of shape ('sphere', 'cylinder', 'cube').
    **kwargs: The dimensions necessary for volume calculation:
        - For 'sphere': radius (float)
        - For 'cylinder': radius (float), height (float)
        - For 'cube': side (float)

    float: The volume of the specified shape.

    ValueError: If shape is not one of 'sphere', 'cylinder', 'cube'.
    KeyError: If required dimensions are missing.

    if shape == 'sphere':
        # Extract radius and validate
        radius = kwargs.get('radius')
        if radius is None or radius <= 0:
            raise KeyError("Missing or invalid key: 'radius'")
        return (4/3) * math.pi * radius ** 3

    elif shape == 'cylinder':
        # Extract radius and height, validate
        radius = kwargs.get('radius')
        height = kwargs.get('height')
        if radius is None or height is None or radius <= 0 or height <= 0:
            raise KeyError("Missing or invalid keys: 'radius', 'height'")
        return math.pi * radius ** 2 * height

    elif shape == 'cube':
        # Extract side length and validate
        side = kwargs.get('side')
        if side is None or side <= 0:
            raise KeyError("Missing or invalid key: 'side'")
        return side ** 3

        raise ValueError("Invalid shape. Must be one of 'sphere', 'cylinder', 'cube'.")


  • The function uses **kwargs to accept variable keyword arguments based on the shape being calculated.
  • Input validation checks are in place to ensure that required dimensions are provided and that they are positive values.
  • The function raises exceptions to handle invalid shapes or missing dimensions gracefully.

Code Usage Example

# Example usage:

    # Calculate the volume of a sphere with radius 5
    sphere_volume = calculate_volume('sphere', radius=5)
    print(f"Volume of the sphere: {sphere_volume}")

    # Calculate the volume of a cylinder with radius 3 and height 7
    cylinder_volume = calculate_volume('cylinder', radius=3, height=7)
    print(f"Volume of the cylinder: {cylinder_volume}")

    # Calculate the volume of a cube with side length 4
    cube_volume = calculate_volume('cube', side=4)
    print(f"Volume of the cube: {cube_volume}")

except ValueError as ve:
    print(f"ValueError: {ve}")
except KeyError as ke:
    print(f"KeyError: {ke}")


This Python function provides a robust and efficient way to calculate the volume of multiple geometric shapes with proper input validation and clear exception handling. Using this function can simplify volume calculations in various applications. For further learning, consider exploring courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform, which can provide enhanced analytical skills in data science and more.

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This document outlines a Python function to compute the volume of shapes like spheres, cylinders, and cubes. It allows input validation and handles exceptions, making volume calculations straightforward and error-resistant.