Pseudo Code Generator

Grade Calculation Pseudo Code

A structured pseudo code outlining a grading system that inputs assessment details, collects student grades, calculates individual scores, and determines class averages and top students.

Empty image or helper icon


def calculateGrade(per):
    if per >= 85:
        grade = 'High Distinction'
    elif per>= 75:
        grade = 'Distinction'
    elif per >= 65:
        grade = 'Credit'
    elif per >= 50:
        grade = 'Pass'
        grade = 'Fail'
    return grade
numAssessments = int (input("Enter the number of assessements:"))
assessmentNames = []
assessmentValues = []

var = 0
while var < numAssessments:
    nam = input ("The name of assessment{}:".format(var+1))
    val = float (input("How many marks is the {} worth:".format(nam)))
    var +=1
if sum(assessmentValues) != 100:
    print("Assessment VALUE ERROR: try to give different input: ")
numStudent = int (input("Kindly enter the no.of students: "))

total_class = 0
topperNAME = ""
topper_student = 0

for j in range(numStudent):
    name_of_student = input("Enter name: ")

    total_no_student = 0
    var = 0
    while var < (numAssessments):
        maximumMarks = assessmentValues[var]
        assessmentName = assessmentNames[var]

        total_mark = int(input("What did {} get out of {} in the {}?".format(name_of_student, maximumMarks, assessmentNames[var])))
        var += 1
        if total_mark < 0:
            total_mark = 0
        elif total_mark > maximumMarks:
            total_mark = maximumMarks
        total_no_student = total_no_student + total_mark
        per = (total_mark/maximumMarks) * 100
        score = calculateGrade(per)
        print ("{} out of {} is a {}.".format (total_mark, maximumMarks, score)) 
    final_score_student = calculateGrade((total_no_student / 100) * 100)
    print ("{} has total mark of {} , {}".format (name_of_student, total_no_student, final_score_student))
    print ("All marks entered!")

    total_class = total_class+total_no_student

    if total_no_student > topper_student:
        topper_student = total_no_student
        topperNAME = name_of_student

Average = total_class / numStudent
C_average = calculateGrade(Average)
print("Average is {:.0f} ({}).".format (Average, C_average))
print("Top student is {} with score of {}.".format(topperNAME, topper_student))


Pseudo Code for Grade Calculation Program


This pseudo code represents the logic for a grading system that:

  1. Takes assessment details from users.
  2. Collects student grades for each assessment.
  3. Calculates individual grades and class averages.


Calculate Grade Function

FUNCTION calculateGrade(percentage):
    IF percentage >= 85:
        grade = 'High Distinction'
    ELSE IF percentage >= 75:
        grade = 'Distinction'
    ELSE IF percentage >= 65:
        grade = 'Credit'
    ELSE IF percentage >= 50:
        grade = 'Pass'
        grade = 'Fail'
    RETURN grade

Main Program Logic


    // Input number of assessments
    numAssessments = GET INTEGER INPUT("Enter the number of assessments:")

    // Initialize lists for assessment names and values
    assessmentNames = []
    assessmentValues = []

    // Loop to collect assessment names and their respective marks
    FOR var FROM 0 TO numAssessments - 1:
        nam = GET STRING INPUT("The name of assessment" + (var + 1))
        val = GET FLOAT INPUT("How many marks is the " + nam + " worth:")
        ADD nam TO assessmentNames
        ADD val TO assessmentValues
    // Validate total marks of assessments
    IF SUM(assessmentValues) != 100:
        PRINT "Assessment VALUE ERROR: try to give different input:"

    // Input number of students
    numStudent = GET INTEGER INPUT("Kindly enter the number of students:")

    // Initialize variables for class average and top student
    total_class = 0
    topperNAME = ""
    topper_student = 0

    // Loop to collect individual student scores
    FOR j FROM 0 TO numStudent - 1:
        name_of_student = GET STRING INPUT("Enter name:")

        total_no_student = 0
        // Loop to collect each student's marks for all assessments
        FOR var FROM 0 TO numAssessments - 1:
            maximumMarks = assessmentValues[var]
            assessmentName = assessmentNames[var]

            total_mark = GET INTEGER INPUT("What did " + name_of_student + " get out of " + maximumMarks + " in the " + assessmentNames[var] + "?")
            // Ensure total_mark is within bounds
            IF total_mark < 0:
                total_mark = 0
            ELSE IF total_mark > maximumMarks:
                total_mark = maximumMarks
            total_no_student = total_no_student + total_mark
            // Calculate percentage and grade for current assessment
            per = (total_mark / maximumMarks) * 100
            score = calculateGrade(per)
            PRINT total_mark + " out of " + maximumMarks + " is a " + score + "."

        // Calculate final score for the student
        final_score_student = calculateGrade((total_no_student / 100) * 100)
        PRINT name_of_student + " has total mark of " + total_no_student + " , " + final_score_student
        PRINT "All marks entered!"

        total_class = total_class + total_no_student

        // Identify topper student
        IF total_no_student > topper_student:
            topper_student = total_no_student
            topperNAME = name_of_student

    // Calculate class average and corresponding grade
    Average = total_class / numStudent
    C_average = calculateGrade(Average)
    PRINT "Average is " + FORMAT(Average, 0) + " (" + C_average + ")."
    PRINT "Top student is " + topperNAME + " with score of " + topper_student + "."


This pseudo code clearly outlines the steps involved in calculating grades for assessments and students, ensuring clarity and simplicity for understanding the program's logic and structure.

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A structured pseudo code outlining a grading system that inputs assessment details, collects student grades, calculates individual scores, and determines class averages and top students.