Logic Visualizer

ImportService Logic Visualization

This document visually represents the logic of the ImportService, detailing its structure, key components, metrics counters, and Kafka dependencies for improved understanding and functionality enhancement.

Empty image or helper icon


digraph ImportService {
    node [shape=box];

    subgraph cluster_import_service {
        label = "ImportService";

        ImportService [label="ImportService"];
        OnModuleInit [label="OnModuleInit"];
        processBatch [label="processBatch"];
        parseKafkaMessage [label="parseKafkaMessage"];
        ImportService -> OnModuleInit [label="implements"];
        ImportService -> processBatch [label="contains"];
        ImportService -> parseKafkaMessage [label="contains"];

        messageReceivedCounter [label="messageReceivedCounter"];
        messageProcessedCounter [label="messageProcessedCounter"];
        messageFailedCounter [label="messageFailedCounter"];
        batchReceivedCounter [label="batchReceivedCounter"];
        batchProcessedCounter [label="batchProcessedCounter"];
        batchFailedCounter [label="batchFailedCounter"];

        ImportService -> messageReceivedCounter;
        ImportService -> messageProcessedCounter;
        ImportService -> messageFailedCounter;
        ImportService -> batchReceivedCounter;
        ImportService -> batchProcessedCounter;
        ImportService -> batchFailedCounter;

        KafkaService [label="KafkaService"];
        DbBatchFactory [label="DbBatchFactory"];
        Logger [label="Logger"];
        PrometheusService [label="PrometheusService"];

        ImportService -> KafkaService;
        ImportService -> DbBatchFactory;
        ImportService -> Logger;
        ImportService -> PrometheusService;
        ImportService -> IMPORT_PARAMS_TOKEN;

        DbBatch [label="DbBatch"];
        NonRetriableException [label="NonRetriableException"];
        KafkaValueDto [label="KafkaValueDto"];

        processBatch -> DbBatch [label="uses"];
        processBatch -> NonRetriableException [label="throws"];
        parseKafkaMessage -> KafkaValueDto [label="returns"];

    subgraph cluster_kafka {
        label = "Kafka Dependencies";

        KafkaMessage [label="KafkaMessage"];
        Batch [label="Batch"];
        EachBatchPayload [label="EachBatchPayload"];

        KafkaMessage -> EachBatchPayload [label="passed as"];
        Batch -> EachBatchPayload [label="used in"];


Visualization of Import Service Logic

This document provides a structured visualization of the logic within the ImportService. The visualization is presented in terms of a graph, showcasing the relationships between various components.


  • Main Class: ImportService
  • Key Components:
    • Methods: OnModuleInit, processBatch, parseKafkaMessage
    • Counters: for tracking messaging operations
    • Dependencies: connections to KafkaService, DbBatchFactory, Logger, PrometheusService, and a token.

Graph Representation

Main Structure

                            |           ImportService           |
                            | (Implements OnModuleInit)        |
                                          / |  |  |  | \
                        Uses              /  |  |  |   \  Use
           +-------------------+       +          +           +            +          +
           |  KafkaService     |       |  DbBatchFactory   |  Logger   |  PrometheusService |
           +-------------------+       +--------------------+----------+-----+-----------------+
             / |      |      |          /|  Uses
    Uses    /  |      |      |               /
           /   |      |      |              /
          /    |      |      |             /
+-----------------+       +---------------+             
|   IMPORT_PARAMS_TOKEN |        | NonRetriableException  |
+------------------------+      +------------------------+

Detailed Breakdown

  1. ImportService Class

    • Implements the OnModuleInit Method
    • Contains:
      • processBatch (uses DbBatch and can throw NonRetriableException)
      • parseKafkaMessage (returns KafkaValueDto)
    • Tracks operational metrics via:
      • messageReceivedCounter
      • messageProcessedCounter
      • messageFailedCounter
      • batchReceivedCounter
      • batchProcessedCounter
      • batchFailedCounter
  2. Counter Metrics

     |  Metrics Counters|
     |  messageReceivedCounter     |
     |  messageProcessedCounter     |
     |  messageFailedCounter        |
     |  batchReceivedCounter        |
     |  batchProcessedCounter       |
     |  batchFailedCounter          |
  1. Kafka Dependencies
                      |    Kafka Dependencies |
                          /           |          \
                         /            |           \
                        /             |            \
          +-----------+      +-------------+      +----------+
          | KafkaMessage |     |      Batch       |  | EachBatchPayload |
          +-----------+      +-------------+      +----------+
              |                  |                         |
              |      Passed as            |     Used in


  • ImportService: Responsible for managing imports, initializing modules, and processing batches of data.
  • processBatch: A core function that interacts with the database and handles potential non-retriable exceptions.
  • parseKafkaMessage: Translates Kafka messages into a structured format, returning a KafkaValueDto.
  • Counters: Essential for monitoring the flow and reliability of message processing.
  • Kafka Dependencies: Indicates the flow of messages and the usage of batch processing techniques.


The visual representation of the ImportService helps clarify the workflow within the service and its interactions with Kafka and other dependencies. This structured flow can be instrumental for teams looking to understand functionality and improve upon existing features within the application. For advanced understanding and mastering of such concepts, consider exploring courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This document visually represents the logic of the ImportService, detailing its structure, key components, metrics counters, and Kafka dependencies for improved understanding and functionality enhancement.