Pseudo Code Generator

Inches to Feet Converter Pseudo Code

This pseudo code outlines a simple program to convert inches to feet by taking user input in inches, performing the division by 12, and displaying the equivalent feet result.

Empty image or helper icon


.An input value in inches that will convert and display the equivalent number into


Pseudo Code for Converting Inches to Feet


To convert an input value in inches to its equivalent value in feet and display the result.


  • 1 foot is equivalent to 12 inches.

Main Steps

  1. Read Input Value: Capture the value in inches provided by the user.
  2. Convert Inches to Feet: Perform the conversion by dividing the input value by 12.
  3. Display Result: Output the equivalent value in feet for the user.

Pseudo Code


    // Step 1: Read input value in inches
    PRINT "Enter the value in inches: "
    INPUT inches

    // Step 2: Convert inches to feet
    feet = inches / 12

    // Step 3: Display the result
    PRINT inches + " inches is equal to " + feet + " feet."


Explanation of Pseudo Code

  • START: Indicates the beginning of the program.
  • PRINT "Enter the value in inches:": Prompts the user to enter a value in inches.
  • INPUT inches: Captures the user-provided value and stores it in the variable inches.
  • feet = inches / 12: Converts the inches to feet by dividing by 12, with the result stored in the variable feet.
  • PRINT ...: Outputs the conversion result to the user in a clear format.
  • END: Indicates the conclusion of the program.

This pseudo code provides a clear representation of the logic required to convert inches to feet, facilitating understanding and further development.

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This pseudo code outlines a simple program to convert inches to feet by taking user input in inches, performing the division by 12, and displaying the equivalent feet result.