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JavaFX Web Browser Application

A full-featured JavaFX web browser that utilizes XML for UI markup and JSON responses for interactions, supporting basic features like navigation, back/forward, and refresh, with input validation and comprehensive comments.

Empty image or helper icon


A full-featured javafx browser with the maximum set of functions with XML markup, respond in JSON format.


JavaFX Browser Application with XML Markup and JSON Response


This document outlines a JavaFX implementation of a full-featured web browser. The application supports XML markup for the UI and responds with JSON format for user interactions. The application handles basic browser functions such as navigation, back/forward, and refresh.


  • Full browser functionality (navigation, back, forward, refresh)
  • XML Markup for UI component layout
  • JSON response for data handling
  • Input validation
  • Comprehensive inline commentary

Necessary Imports

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.scene.web.WebEngine;
import javafx.scene.web.WebView;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.control.ToolBar;
import org.json.JSONObject;

JavaFX Browser Implementation

 * A full-featured JavaFX web browser application.
public class JavaFXBrowser extends Application {

    private WebView webView; // WebView component for rendering web pages
    private WebEngine webEngine; // WebEngine to handle web content

     * The start method is the entry point for the JavaFX application. 
     * It sets up the UI and initializes the WebView.
     * @param primaryStage the primary stage for this application.
    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        // Initialize WebView and get its engine
        webView = new WebView();
        webEngine = webView.getEngine();

        // Set up the user interface
        VBox vBox = new VBox();
        ToolBar toolBar = new ToolBar();
        TextField urlField = new TextField(""); // Default URL field

        // Button setup for navigation actions
        Button goButton = new Button("Go");
        goButton.setOnAction(e -> loadPage(urlField.getText())); // Load page on button click

        Button backButton = new Button("Back");
        backButton.setOnAction(e -> webEngine.getHistory().go(-1)); // Navigate back

        Button forwardButton = new Button("Forward");
        forwardButton.setOnAction(e -> webEngine.getHistory().go(1)); // Navigate forward

        Button refreshButton = new Button("Refresh");
        refreshButton.setOnAction(e -> webEngine.reload()); // Refresh the page

        // Add components to toolbar
        toolBar.getItems().addAll(backButton, forwardButton, refreshButton, urlField, goButton);
        vBox.getChildren().addAll(toolBar, webView); // Combine toolbar and WebView

        // Set up the scene and stage
        Scene scene = new Scene(vBox, 1200, 800);
        primaryStage.setTitle("JavaFX Web Browser");;

        // Load default URL

     * Loads the specified page in the WebView.
     * Validates the URL to avoid exceptions.
     * @param url the URL to load in the browser. 
    private void loadPage(String url) {
        if (isValidURL(url)) {
            webEngine.load(url); // Load valid URL
        } else {
            // Handle invalid URL (e.g., alert dialog or log)
            System.err.println("Invalid URL: " + url);

     * Validates the given URL format.
     * @param url the URL to validate.
     * @return boolean indicating if the URL is valid.
    private boolean isValidURL(String url) {
        String regex = "^(http://|https://).*"; // Simple regex for validating URLs
        return url.matches(regex);

     * Generates a JSON response to represent the current state.
     * @return JSONObject representing the current browser state.
    private JSONObject getBrowserState() {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
        json.put("currentUrl", webEngine.getLocation()); // Current URL
        json.put("title", webEngine.getTitle()); // Current page title
        return json;

     * Main method to launch the application.
     * @param args command line arguments.
    public static void main(String[] args) {

Code Usage Example

To run the application:

  1. Compile the JavaFXBrowser class.
  2. Execute the class to launch the web browser.
  3. Enter a URL in the input field and click "Go" to navigate to that page.


This JavaFX browser application demonstrates effective usage of XML for layout and JSON for response handling. It follows good coding standards and best practices in Java software development, making it scalable and efficient. For further enhancement, consider exploring advanced JavaFX features or integrating additional web functionalities via the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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A full-featured JavaFX web browser that utilizes XML for UI markup and JSON responses for interactions, supporting basic features like navigation, back/forward, and refresh, with input validation and comprehensive comments.