Language Translator | SAS

JavaScript Currying Translated to SAS

This document details the translation of a JavaScript currying function into a SAS macro. It explains the behavior of the JavaScript function and provides a SAS implementation that mimics the same argument accumulation logic, highlighting

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function curry(fn) { return function curried(...args) { if (args.length >= fn.length) { return fn.apply(this, args); } else { return function(...args2) { return curried.apply(this, args.concat(args2)); } } } }


Code Snippet Analysis

The provided JavaScript function implements a currying function, which transforms a function that takes multiple arguments into a sequence of functions, each taking a single argument. Here's a breakdown of its behavior:

  1. Function Input: It accepts a function fn as an argument.
  2. Curried Function: It returns a function curried that can accept multiple arguments.
  3. Argument Accumulation:
    • If the number of provided arguments (args) meets or exceeds the number of parameters expected by fn, it invokes fn with those arguments.
    • If not, it returns another function waiting for more arguments (args2), accumulating them until the total count is sufficient.

Translation to SAS

SAS doesn’t natively support higher-order functions in the same way as JavaScript, but we can mimic the behavior using macros. Below is a structured translation maintaining the original logic and functionality.

Translated SAS Code

%macro curry(fn, arg_count);
    %macro curried(args=);
        %local arg_length;
        /* Calculate the number of arguments passed */
        %let arg_length = %sysfunc(countw(&args.));

        /* If enough arguments are provided, call the original function */
        %if &arg_length >= &arg_count %then %do;
            /* Implement the original function call here. Replace this comment with logic to call fn. */
            %put Calling the original function with arguments: &args.;
        %else %do;
            /* Return a new function waiting for more arguments */
            %macro inner_curried(args2=);
                %curry(&fn, &arg_count);
            %mend inner_curried;
            %put Waiting for more arguments; current arguments: &args.;
    %mend curried;

    /* Invoke the curried function initially */
%mend curry;

/* Example usage */
%curry(myFunction, 3);

Key Points

  • The curry macro takes two parameters: fn (the function to be curried) and arg_count (the expected number of arguments).
  • The inner macro curried manages the accumulation of arguments and defines logic on whether to call the original function or wait for more arguments.
  • The code uses the %put statement to demonstrate where the function would be invoked and how arguments are accrued.
  • Actual function logic corresponding to fn would need to be defined separately, as SAS relies heavily on data step processing or PROC steps for function-like operations.

Usage Considerations

  • This translation is idiomatic to how SAS handles macros and function-like behaviors; understanding and adapting original function logic to SAS syntax is crucial.
  • Ensure myFunction is defined and available in your SAS environment when invoking this macro.

This SAS structure attempts to maintain the essential curried logic from JavaScript while adapting to the constraints and style of SAS programming.

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This document details the translation of a JavaScript currying function into a SAS macro. It explains the behavior of the JavaScript function and provides a SAS implementation that mimics the same argument accumulation logic, highlighting essential considerations for usage.