Pseudo Code Generator

Linear Search in an Array

This pseudo code outlines a linear search algorithm for finding a number in an array. It returns the index if found or -1 if not, utilizing a simple loop and conditional checks for clarity and ease of understanding.

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search a number in an array


Pseudo Code for Searching a Number in an Array


The objective is to search for a specific number within a given array and return its index if found, or an indication that the number is not present.

Pseudo Code Structure


  • array: An array of numbers (list of integers).
  • target: The number to search for within the array.


  • Return the index of the target if found, otherwise return -1.

Pseudo Code

FUNCTION searchNumber(array, target)
    SET index TO -1  // Initialize index to -1 (not found)
    SET length TO LENGTH(array)  // Get the length of the array

    FOR i FROM 0 TO length - 1 DO
        IF array[i] EQUALS target THEN  // Check if the current element equals the target
            SET index TO i  // Update index with the current position
            BREAK  // Exit loop as target is found
        END IF

    RETURN index  // Return the index (-1 if not found)


  1. Initialization:

    • Start by setting an index variable to -1, which will indicate that the target number has not been found initially.
  2. Loop through the array:

    • Iterate through each element of the array using a loop.
  3. Comparison:

    • For each element, check if it equals the target.
    • If a match is found, update the index with the current loop variable and exit the loop.
  4. Return Result:

    • Finally, return the value of index, which will be either the found index or -1 if the target was not present in the array.

Usage Example

To use the search function, one could call it with an array and a number:

DEFINE sampleArray AS [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
SET targetNumber TO 30
SET resultIndex TO searchNumber(sampleArray, targetNumber)

// resultIndex would contain 2 (the index of 30 in sampleArray)


This pseudo code effectively provides a straightforward approach to searching for a number within an array using a linear search technique, ensuring clarity and ease of understanding. For further learning on data structures and algorithms, consider exploring the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This pseudo code outlines a linear search algorithm for finding a number in an array. It returns the index if found or -1 if not, utilizing a simple loop and conditional checks for clarity and ease of understanding.