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LinkedIn Automation Script Overview

This script automates interaction with a LinkedIn group using Selenium and undetected ChromeDriver. It initializes a Chrome browser, navigates to a specific group, and attempts to click on the post button while handling potential errors.

Empty image or helper icon


import undetected_chromedriver as uc
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
import time

def run_linkedin_script():
    chrome_options = uc.ChromeOptions()
        print("Initializing Chrome driver...")
        driver = uc.Chrome(options=chrome_options)
        print("Navigating to LinkedIn group...")
        print("Waiting for page to load...")
        print("Current URL:", driver.current_url)
        print("Page title:", driver.title)
        # Function to click the "Start a public post" button
        def click_post_button():
                # Use the provided XPath
                post_button = WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(
                    EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, '//*[@id="ember130"]'))
                print("Clicked 'Start a public post' button")
            except TimeoutException:
                    # Fallback to a more general XPath if the specific one doesn't work
                    post_button = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
                        EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, "//button[contains(@class, 'artdeco-button') and contains(., 'Start a post')]"))
                    print("Clicked 'Start a public post' button using fallback method")
                except TimeoutException:
                    print("Failed to find 'Start a public post' button")

        # Click the post button

        # Wait for the post creation interface to load
            WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(
                EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[contains(@class, 'editor-container')]"))
            print("Post creation interface loaded")
        except TimeoutException:
            print("Post creation interface did not load within expected time")

        print("Script execution completed. Browser will remain open.")
        # Keep the script running to prevent the browser from closing
        input("Press Enter to end the script (browser will remain open)...")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


digraph G {
    node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightgray];

    subgraph cluster_imports {
        label = "Imports";
        uc [label="import\nundetected_chromedriver\nas uc"];
        By [label="from\\nimport By"];
        WebDriverWait [label="from\\nimport WebDriverWait"];
        EC [label="from\\nimport expected_conditions as EC"];
        TimeoutException [label="from\nselenium.common.exceptions\nimport TimeoutException"];
        time [label="import time"];

    subgraph cluster_main {
        label = "Main Function";
        main [label="if __name__ == '__main__':\n    run_linkedin_script()"];

    subgraph cluster_run_linkedin_script {
        label = "run_linkedin_script()";
        run_linkedin_script [label="def run_linkedin_script():"];

        chrome_options [label="chrome_options = uc.ChromeOptions()"];
        add_argument [label="chrome_options.add_argument('--remote-debugging-port=9222')"];
        try_block [label="try:" shape=diamond style=filled fillcolor=lightblue];

        init_chrome [label="driver = uc.Chrome(options=chrome_options)"];
        navigate [label="driver.get('')"];
        sleep [label="time.sleep(10)"];
        current_url [label="driver.current_url"];
        page_title [label="driver.title"];

        def_click_post_button [label="def click_post_button():"];
        try_click_post_button [label="try:" shape=diamond style=filled fillcolor=lightblue];
        wait_post_button [label="post_button = WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(\n    EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH,\n    '//*[@id=\"ember130\"]'))\n)"];
        post_button_click [label=""];
        click_post_button_message [label="print('Clicked Start a public post button')"];

        except_timeout_post [label="except TimeoutException:"];
        fallback_wait_post_button [label="post_button = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(\n    EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH,\n    '//button[contains(@class, 'artdeco-button')\n    and contains(., 'Start a post')]'\n))"];
        fallback_post_button_click [label=""];
        fallback_click_post_button_message [label="print('Clicked Start a public post button using fallback method')"];

        fail_post_button_message [label="print('Failed to find Start a public post button')"];
        raise_exception [label="raise"];
        call_click_post_button [label="click_post_button()"];

        wait_post_interface [label="try:" shape=diamond style=filled fillcolor=lightblue];
        post_interface [label="WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(\n    EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,\n    \"//div[contains(@class, 'editor-container')]\n))"];
        post_interface_message [label="print('Post creation interface loaded')"];

        except_timeout_interface [label="except TimeoutException:"];
        fail_post_interface_message [label="print('Post creation interface did not load within expected time')"];

        complete_script_message [label="print('Script execution completed. Browser will remain open.')"];
        input_message [label="input('Press Enter to end the script\n(browser will remain open)...')"];

        except_main [label="except Exception as e:"];
        error_message [label="print(f'An error occurred: {e}')"];

    uc -> run_linkedin_script;
    By -> run_linkedin_script;
    WebDriverWait -> run_linkedin_script;
    EC -> run_linkedin_script;
    TimeoutException -> run_linkedin_script;
    time -> run_linkedin_script;

    main -> run_linkedin_script;

    run_linkedin_script -> chrome_options;
    chrome_options -> add_argument;
    add_argument -> try_block;

    try_block -> init_chrome;
    init_chrome -> navigate;
    navigate -> sleep;
    sleep -> current_url;
    current_url -> page_title;

    page_title -> def_click_post_button;
    def_click_post_button -> try_click_post_button;
    try_click_post_button -> wait_post_button;
    wait_post_button -> post_button_click;
    post_button_click -> click_post_button_message;

    try_click_post_button -> except_timeout_post;
    except_timeout_post -> fallback_wait_post_button;
    fallback_wait_post_button -> fallback_post_button_click;
    fallback_post_button_click -> fallback_click_post_button_message;

    except_timeout_post -> fail_post_button_message;
    fail_post_button_message -> raise_exception;

    page_title -> call_click_post_button;
    call_click_post_button -> wait_post_interface;

    wait_post_interface -> post_interface;
    post_interface -> post_interface_message;

    wait_post_interface -> except_timeout_interface;
    except_timeout_interface -> fail_post_interface_message;

    post_interface_message -> complete_script_message;
    complete_script_message -> input_message;

    try_block -> except_main;
    except_main -> error_message;


  1. Imports:
    • Various essential packages are imported.
  2. Main Function:
    • Executes run_linkedin_script() function.
  3. run_linkedin_script Function:
    • Initialises Chrome driver with options.
    • Navigates to LinkedIn group.
    • Waits for the page to load.
    • Prints the current URL and page title.
    • Defines and calls click_post_button to interact with the page.
    • Waits for the post creation interface to load.
    • Keeps the browser open and prompts user input to end script.
    • Handles errors and prints custom error messages.

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Create your Thread using our flexible tools, share it with friends and colleagues.

Your current query will become the main foundation for the thread, which you can expand with other tools presented on our platform. We will help you choose tools so that your thread is structured and logically built.


This script automates interaction with a LinkedIn group using Selenium and undetected ChromeDriver. It initializes a Chrome browser, navigates to a specific group, and attempts to click on the post button while handling potential errors.