Variable Namer

Log Filtering Naming Guidelines

This document provides structured naming recommendations for variables, functions, and classes in log filtering, promoting clarity and maintainability in code. It includes suggested names for log entries, filtering criteria, and

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Naming Suggestions for Logs Filter

When creating a log filter, careful consideration should be given to the naming of variables, functions, and classes. Below are structured recommendations that promote clarity and maintainability.

1. Variable Names

Variable names should reflect the content or state they represent within the log filtering context.

Suggested Variable Names

  • logEntries: Collection of individual log records.
  • filteredLogs: Resulting logs after the filtering process.
  • logLevel: The severity level of logs (e.g., INFO, DEBUG, ERROR).
  • timestampRange: The time frame for logs to include in the filter.
  • searchKeyword: Keyword or phrase to filter logs by.
  • maxResults: Maximum number of logs to return after filtering.
  • sortOrder: Defines the order in which logs are displayed (e.g., ascending, descending).

2. Function Names

Function names should indicate the operations they perform on log entries.

Suggested Function Names

  • filterLogsByLevel(level): Filters logs based on the severity level.
  • filterLogsByTimeRange(startTime, endTime): Filters logs that fall within a specified time range.
  • searchLogs(keyword): Searches through logs for specific keywords.
  • sortLogs(order): Sorts the filtered logs based on a defined order.
  • getFilteredLogs(): Retrieves the logs that have gone through the filtering process.
  • applyLogFilters(criteria): Applies a set of user-defined criteria to filter logs.
  • resetLogFilters(): Resets all applied filters to show all log entries.

3. Class Names

Class names should represent the entity or concept encapsulating the log filtering functionality.

Suggested Class Names

  • LogFilter: Represents the main class for filtering log entries.
  • LogEntry: Represents a single log record, encapsulating attributes like severity, timestamp, and message.
  • LogFilterCriteria: Encapsulates the criteria used for filtering logs, such as level, time range, and keywords.
  • LogSorter: Provides functionality to sort log entries based on various attributes.


By using these well-considered names, the code related to log filtering can be made more readable and maintainable. Each name succinctly reflects its purpose, making it easier for other developers to understand the codebase.

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This document provides structured naming recommendations for variables, functions, and classes in log filtering, promoting clarity and maintainability in code. It includes suggested names for log entries, filtering criteria, and operational methods.