Language Translator | Lua

Lua Code Translation for Movement Pattern

This Lua code snippet creates an infinite loop that alternates between moving right and left 15 steps, translating a simple movement pattern from a provided code snippet.

Empty image or helper icon


при старте  вечно(двигаться направо 15 шагов и налево 15 шагов)


Code Translation from Russian to Lua

Task Overview

The provided code snippet describes a simple movement pattern:

  • Repeatedly move right 15 steps.
  • Move left 15 steps.

This behavior should be reflected in the translated Lua code.

Translated Lua Code

while true do


  • while true do: Creates an infinite loop, which is equivalent to "вечно" (forever).
  • moveRight(15): This represents the action of moving right 15 steps.
  • moveLeft(15): This represents the action of moving left 15 steps.
  • end: Marks the end of the loop.


  • Ensure that the functions moveRight and moveLeft are defined elsewhere in your Lua script to handle the actual movement logic. Adjust the function names as needed based on your existing codebase for clarity and consistency.

This Lua implementation maintains the logic and structure of the original code snippet.

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This Lua code snippet creates an infinite loop that alternates between moving right and left 15 steps, translating a simple movement pattern from a provided code snippet.