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Lua FPS Booster Using Metatables

This Lua function optimizes frame rendering performance by utilizing metatables to manage updates efficiently, enhancing FPS in graphics and gaming applications while allowing for customizable update functionality.

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Lua Function to Boost FPS with Metatables


This Lua function utilizes metatables to optimize performance in frame rendering by efficiently managing updates and reducing unnecessary computations. Using metatables can help in fine-tuning how tables behave, thus improving FPS (frames per second) in graphics or gaming applications.

Code Implementation

Necessary Imports

Lua does not require explicit imports as it includes all necessary standard libraries by default.

Function Definition

-- BoostFPS function using metatables
-- This function creates a metatable that optimizes frame updates
-- for rendering systems aiming to improve FPS.
-- Parameters:
--   targetFrameRate (number): Desired target frame rate.
--   updateFunction (function): A function called every frame update.
-- Returns:
--   table: A table with the metatable set for optimized updates.
-- Raises:
--   error: If targetFrameRate is not a positive number.
function BoostFPS(targetFrameRate, updateFunction)
    -- Input validation
    if type(targetFrameRate) ~= "number" or targetFrameRate <= 0 then
        error("targetFrameRate must be a positive number.")

    -- Time step calculation based on desired frame rate
    local timeStep = 1 / targetFrameRate
    local lastUpdateTime = os.clock()

    -- Metatable definition for optimization
    local fpsTable = {}
    -- Setting the metatable
    setmetatable(fpsTable, {
        __index = function(table, key)
            return rawget(table, key) or nil
        __newindex = function(table, key, value)
            rawset(table, key, value)
            -- Automatically trigger updates on specific condition (customizable)
            if key == "update" and value then
                local currentTime = os.clock()
                if currentTime - lastUpdateTime >= timeStep then
                    lastUpdateTime = currentTime
                    updateFunction() -- Call the provided update function

    return fpsTable

Explanation of Key Sections

  1. Input Validation:

    • The function checks if the targetFrameRate is a positive number. If not, it issues an error.
  2. Time Step Calculation:

    • The time step is calculated as the reciprocal of the target frame rate, determining how often updates should occur.
  3. Metatable Setup:

    • A metatable is created to handle updates through the __newindex metamethod, which triggers the updateFunction only when the set time interval has elapsed.

Usage Example

This example demonstrates how to use the BoostFPS function in a simple frame update context.

-- Example usage of BoostFPS

local function frameUpdate()
    print("Frame updated!")

-- Create an FPS booster that aims for 30 FPS
local fpsController = BoostFPS(30, frameUpdate)

-- Simulate frame updates
for i = 1, 100 do
    fpsController.update = true -- This will trigger the update function based on the time step
    os.execute("sleep 0.01") -- Simulating elapsed time for frames


The BoostFPS function efficiently manages frame updates through Lua's metatables, helping to maintain the desired performance in applications requiring optimized rendering techniques. The modular design allows for customization of the update function according to specific application needs. For further advanced analytics and data visualization techniques, consider exploring courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This Lua function optimizes frame rendering performance by utilizing metatables to manage updates efficiently, enhancing FPS in graphics and gaming applications while allowing for customizable update functionality.