Language Translator | Lua

Lua Function to Print Message

This Lua code snippet defines a function named `printMessage` that outputs "Hello, World!" when called. It mirrors the behavior of a similar function in an unspecified language, maintaining the original logic effectively.

Empty image or helper icon


-- Define a function to print a message
function printMessage()
    print("Hello, World!")

-- Call the function to print the message

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Code Snippet Analysis:

The provided code snippet is written in an unspecified language and defines a function to print a message. Here's what it does:

  1. Defines a function named printMessage.
  2. The printMessage function outputs the string "Hello, World!".
  3. Finally, the function printMessage is called to execute and print the message.

It appears there is some extraneous non-code text or noise following the code snippet.

Translation Execution:

The objective is to translate this behavior into Lua while preserving its original logic.

Translated Lua Code:

-- Define a function to print a message
function printMessage()
    print("Hello, World!")

-- Call the function to print the message

Code Structuring:

  • The Lua code snippet defines a function using the function keyword.
  • The print function in Lua is used to output text to the console.
  • The function is called at the end to demonstrate its functionality.

This Lua code snippet is a direct and functional equivalent of the original code.

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This Lua code snippet defines a function named printMessage that outputs "Hello, World!" when called. It mirrors the behavior of a similar function in an unspecified language, maintaining the original logic effectively.