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Lua Key Press Listener for Alt+1 Action

This document details a Lua function that listens for the Alt+1 key combination, triggering the output of the command "/s 1". It includes code implementation, documentation, input validation, and usage examples for easy integration.

Empty image or helper icon


when I press alt+1 it will write /s 1


Lua Function for Key Press Action

This document outlines a Lua function that listens for the key combination Alt+1, and upon detecting it, writes the text /s 1. The solution includes necessary imports, documentation, input validation, and usage examples.


To implement this function, you will need a Lua environment that supports key event handling. Libraries such as love2d or LuaJIT with appropriate extensions (like luautf8) can help manage keyboard events.

Code Implementation

Here is the Lua snippet that achieves the desired functionality:

-- Import necessary libraries
local love = require("love")

-- Function to handle key presses
function love.keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat)
    -- Check if the Alt key and '1' key are pressed simultaneously
    if love.keyboard.isDown("lalt") or love.keyboard.isDown("ralt") then
        if key == "1" then
            writeCommand("/s 1")

-- Function to write the command to console or output
-- @param command: The command string to output
-- @return None
-- @raises: None
function writeCommand(command)
    -- Validate input to ensure it's a string
    assert(type(command) == "string", "Input must be a string")

    -- Print the command as a representation of writing it
    print(command)  -- Replace with actual writing logic as needed

Documentation Blocks

  1. love.keypressed Function

    • Purpose: Detects key presses and triggers the command writing on Alt+1.
    • Parameters:
      • key: The key that was pressed.
      • scancode: The scancode of the key.
      • isrepeat: Boolean indicating if the key is a repeated press.
    • Return Type: None.
    • Exceptions: None.
  2. writeCommand Function

    • Purpose: Outputs a command string to the console.
    • Parameters:
      • command: The command string to output (should be of type string).
    • Return Type: None.
    • Exceptions: Raises an error if command is not a string.

Input Validation

  • The writeCommand function checks if the provided input is a string and raises an assertion error if the validation fails.

Usage Example

To see this function in action, you can run a simple love2d application. Assuming you have set up love2d, you would run your project and press Alt+1 to see the output in your console.

function love.load()
    print("Press Alt+1 to trigger the command writing.")

function love.keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat)
    -- Call the previously defined function
    if love.keyboard.isDown("lalt") or love.keyboard.isDown("ralt") then
        if key == "1" then
            writeCommand("/s 1")


This Lua implementation effectively detects the Alt+1 key press and outputs /s 1. Make sure your environment supports keyboard events for this function to work correctly.

For further learning and advanced topics in data science and scripting with Lua, consider exploring courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This document details a Lua function that listens for the Alt+1 key combination, triggering the output of the command "/s 1". It includes code implementation, documentation, input validation, and usage examples for easy integration.