Code Generator | Lua

Lua Macro Recorder with User Interface

This guide details creating a macro recorder in Lua, featuring recording, saving, and playing back actions with a user-friendly interface. Key components include utilizing a UI library, managing macros, and basic user interactions.

Empty image or helper icon


Make macro record with v3 ui add save and play button and saved macro section


Lua Macro Recorder with UI

This section will guide you through creating a macro recorder using Lua. The macro will allow users to record, save, and play back macro actions in a UI format.

Key Components

  1. UI Library: Utilize a UI framework (e.g., LÖVE or similar) to create buttons and display saved macros.
  2. Macro Recording: Record user actions and store them in a list.
  3. Save and Playback: Provide functionality to save recorded macros and play them back.

Code Implementation

The following code snippet outlines a simple macro recorder with a user interface.

Required Libraries

-- Import libraries (if applicable)
-- Note: Depending on your actual GUI framework, this may require specific imports or modules.

Macro Recorder Code

-- Macro Recorder with UI

-- Global Variables
local macros = {}  -- Holds saved macros
local currentMacro = {}  -- Holds the current recording

-- Function to start recording a macro
function startRecording()
    currentMacro = {}  -- Reset the current macro
    print("Recording started...")
    -- Code to log user actions goes here
    -- Example: currentMacro[#currentMacro + 1] = "Action1"

-- Function to stop recording a macro
function stopRecording()
    print("Recording stopped. Macro recorded.")

-- Function to save the recorded macro
function saveMacro(name)
    -- Validate input name
    if type(name) ~= "string" or name == "" then
        error("Invalid macro name. It must be a non-empty string.")

    macros[name] = currentMacro  -- Save the macro with the provided name
    print("Macro saved as: " .. name)

-- Function to play a saved macro
function playMacro(name)
    -- Confirm macro exists
    if not macros[name] then
        error("Macro not found: " .. name)

    print("Playing macro: " .. name)
    -- Code to execute the saved macro actions goes here
    -- Example: for _, action in ipairs(macros[name]) do executeAction(action) end

-- Function to display saved macros
function showSavedMacros()
    print("Saved Macros:")
    for name in pairs(macros) do
        print("- " .. name)

-- Main loop (for illustrative purpose; should be adapted for actual UI framework)
function mainLoop()
    while true do
        -- Mock UI for demonstration
        print("1: Start Recording")
        print("2: Stop Recording")
        print("3: Save Macro")
        print("4: Play Macro")
        print("5: Show Saved Macros")
        print("6: Exit")

        local choice =  -- Mock input for console app

        if choice == "1" then startRecording()
        elseif choice == "2" then stopRecording()
        elseif choice == "3" then 
            print("Enter macro name:")
            local name =
        elseif choice == "4" then 
            print("Enter macro name to play:")
            local name =
        elseif choice == "5" then showSavedMacros()
        elseif choice == "6" then break
        else print("Invalid choice. Try again.")

-- Run the main loop

Explanation of Functions

  • startRecording: Initializes a new macro recording.
  • stopRecording: Finalizes the current macro recording.
  • saveMacro: Saves the current recording with a user-defined name after validation.
  • playMacro: Plays back a specified saved macro. Checks if the macro exists before attempting to play.
  • showSavedMacros: Displays the names of all saved macros for user reference.
  • mainLoop: Provides a basic interface for user interaction to run the macro functions.


This Lua example illustrates how to create a GUI macro recorder with functionalities to record, save, and play back macros. Make sure to integrate it with a suitable UI library for practical use and testing. This example can be further expanded based on specific UI frameworks available for Lua.

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This guide details creating a macro recorder in Lua, featuring recording, saving, and playing back actions with a user-friendly interface. Key components include utilizing a UI library, managing macros, and basic user interactions.