Code Generator | Lua

Lua Snort 3 Rule Generator

This document describes a Lua function, `create_snort_rule`, that constructs Snort 3 rules dynamically. It validates input parameters like action, protocol, and IPs, ensuring proper formatting and allows for optional additional settings.

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create rules for ids snort 3


Lua Function for Snort 3 Rule Creation

This document outlines a Lua function that generates rules for Snort 3 Intrusion Detection System based on provided criteria. The function will handle the construction of the rule string and ensure that the necessary components are included.

Function Overview


The function, create_snort_rule, will create a Snort 3 rule based on the specified parameters such as action, protocol, source and destination IPs and ports, and any additional options.


  • action (string): The action to take ("alert", "drop", "pass").
  • protocol (string): The protocol type (e.g., "tcp", "udp", "icmp").
  • src_ip (string): The source IP address (e.g., "").
  • src_port (string): The source port (e.g., "any", "80").
  • dst_ip (string): The destination IP address.
  • dst_port (string): The destination port.
  • options (string or nil): Additional options for the rule (optional).


  • (string): A correctly formatted Snort 3 rule string.


  • Raises an error if invalid parameters are provided.

Code Implementation

-- Function to create a Snort 3 rule
function create_snort_rule(action, protocol, src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, options)
    -- Validate inputs
    local valid_actions = {alert=true, drop=true, pass=true}
    local valid_protocols = {tcp=true, udp=true, icmp=true}
    if not valid_actions[action] then
        error("Invalid action: " .. tostring(action))
    if not valid_protocols[protocol] then
        error("Invalid protocol: " .. tostring(protocol))
    -- Construct the rule
    local rule = string.format("%s %s ", action, protocol)
    rule = rule .. string.format("src %s:%s, dst %s:%s; ", src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port)
    -- Append options if provided
    if options then
        rule = rule .. options .. " "
    rule = rule .. "sid:1000001;"
    return rule

Code Explanation

  • Input Validation: The function first checks if the action and protocol parameters are valid by comparing against predefined lists of valid actions and protocols.
  • Rule Construction: It uses string.format to build the rule string with the specified parameters, ensuring proper formatting.
  • Option Handling: If additional options are provided, they are appended to the rule.
  • Return Value: The function concludes by returning the complete Snort 3 rule as a string.

Example Usage

Here is how you can utilize the create_snort_rule function to generate a Snort 3 rule:

-- Example to create a Snort rule
local rule = create_snort_rule("alert", "tcp", "", "any", "", "80", "msg:\"Possible attack!\";")


This would generate a rule similar to:

alert tcp src, dst; msg:"Possible attack!"; sid:1000001;


This Lua function provides a robust solution for creating Snort 3 rules dynamically based on user-defined input. It adheres to best practices by including input validation and structured code, making it suitable for scalable applications in network security monitoring.

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This document describes a Lua function, create_snort_rule, that constructs Snort 3 rules dynamically. It validates input parameters like action, protocol, and IPs, ensuring proper formatting and allows for optional additional settings.