Code Visualizer | Lua

Lua Variable Representation in DOT Notation

This entry provides a visual analysis of a Lua code snippet, demonstrating the variable declaration, assignment, and its relationships through DOT notation. It clearly illustrates how the local variable `hello` is assigned the string

Empty image or helper icon


local hello = "hello"


Code Visualization in DOT Notation

Code Snippet

The provided code snippet is in Lua programming language.

local hello = "hello"

Components of the Code

  • Variable Declaration: local hello
  • Variable Assignment: = "hello"
  • Value: "hello"


  • Variable hello is a local variable that holds a string value.

DOT Notation Representation

The following DOT notation represents the structure and relationships of the code snippet:

digraph G {
    node [shape=record];

    var_hello [label="{ Variable | hello }"];
    value_hello [label="{ Value | \"hello\" }"];

    var_hello -> value_hello [label="assigns"];

Explanation of DOT Notation

  • digraph G: Defines a directed graph.
  • node [shape=record]: Sets the shape of nodes to records for structured display.
  • Node Definitions:
    • var_hello denotes the variable hello.
    • value_hello denotes the string value "hello".
  • Edge Definition: The arrow (->) indicates that hello is assigned the value "hello".


The DOT notation provides a clear and concise visual representation of the relationships within the given Lua code snippet. For deeper learning and advanced concepts in data science and programming, consider the courses offered by Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This entry provides a visual analysis of a Lua code snippet, demonstrating the variable declaration, assignment, and its relationships through DOT notation. It clearly illustrates how the local variable hello is assigned the string value "hello".