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MATLAB Trajectory and Pursuer Dynamics Plotter

This MATLAB function visualizes the trajectories of two objects based on initial conditions and computes a pursuer's dynamics influenced by gravitational and acceleration factors, offering a comprehensive analysis of motion scenarios.

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creates a graph of two trajectories presented by following equations: 
1. xp1(t) = v0*t + x0; yp1(t) = y0
2. xp2(t) = v0*cos(p0)*t + x0; yp2(t) = -10*t^2/2 + v0*t*sin(p0) + y0.
And then adds the following equations of the pursuer's accelerations on x and y, integrates them twice and adds to the plot, knowing that pursuer's coordinates are x and y, and there are derivatives of them of first and second order used in equations below:

d(dx/dt)/dt = ((dy/dt) * (dxp1/dt) - (dx/dt) * (dyp1/dt) - g)*(xp1 - x)/((xp1 - x)^2 + (yp1 - y)^2) + (dx/dt) * (kv - F)/(m * v)
d(dy/dt)/dt = (g - (dy/dt) * (dxp1/dt) - (dx/dt) * (dyp1/dt))*(yp1 - y)/((xp1 - x)^2 + (yp1 - y)^2) + (dy/dt) * (kv - F)/(m * v)


MATLAB Function for Trajectory and Pursuer's Dynamics


This MATLAB function plots two trajectories based on given equations and incorporates the dynamics of a pursuer influenced by gravitational and acceleration factors.


  1. Trajectory Plotting: Plots the trajectories of two objects based on initial velocities and angles.
  2. Pursuer Dynamics: Computes and integrates the pursuer's velocity and position based on specified acceleration equations.

Code Implementation

function plotTrajectories(v0, p0, x0, y0, F, m, kv, g, t_end, dt)
    % plotTrajectories Plots two trajectories and a pursuer's path.
    %   v0   - Initial velocity (scalar)
    %   p0   - Launch angle (radians)
    %   x0   - Initial x-coordinate (scalar)
    %   y0   - Initial y-coordinate (scalar)
    %   F    - External force on the pursuer (scalar)
    %   m    - Mass of the pursuer (scalar)
    %   kv   - Velocity proportionality constant (scalar)
    %   g    - Acceleration due to gravity (scalar)
    %   t_end - End time for simulation (scalar)
    %   dt   - Time step for simulation (scalar)
    % RETURNS:
    %   None
    %   Throws an error if inputs are invalid
    % Input validation
    validateattributes(v0, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'positive'});
    validateattributes(p0, {'numeric'}, {'scalar'});
    validateattributes(x0, {'numeric'}, {'scalar'});
    validateattributes(y0, {'numeric'}, {'scalar'});
    validateattributes(F, {'numeric'}, {'scalar'});
    validateattributes(m, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'positive'});
    validateattributes(kv, {'numeric'}, {'scalar'});
    validateattributes(g, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'positive'});
    validateattributes(t_end, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'positive'});
    validateattributes(dt, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'positive'});

    % Define time vector
    t = 0:dt:t_end;

    % Trajectories: First Object
    xp1 = v0 .* t + x0; % x-coordinate trajectory
    yp1 = repmat(y0, size(t)); % y-coordinate trajectory (constant)

    % Trajectories: Second Object
    xp2 = v0 * cos(p0) .* t + x0; % x-coordinate trajectory
    yp2 = -(10 * t.^2) / 2 + v0 * sin(p0) .* t + y0; % y-coordinate trajectory

    % Plot the trajectories
    figure; hold on;
    plot(xp1, yp1, 'r', 'DisplayName', 'Trajectory 1');
    plot(xp2, yp2, 'b', 'DisplayName', 'Trajectory 2');
    % Pursuer's dynamics initialization
    x = x0; % Initial x-coordinate of the pursuer
    y = y0; % Initial y-coordinate of the pursuer
    dxdt = 0; % Initial velocity in x-direction
    dydt = 0; % Initial velocity in y-direction
    % Arrays to store pursuer positions
    xs = zeros(size(t));
    ys = zeros(size(t));
    for i = 1:length(t)
        % Compute distance to xp1 and yp1
        dist_x = xp1(i) - x;
        dist_y = yp1(i) - y;
        dist_sq = dist_x^2 + dist_y^2;
        % Update accelerations based on dynamic equations
        ddxdt = ((dydt * (v0 * cos(p0))) - (dxdt * (0))) - g; 
        ddxdt = ddxdt * (dist_x / dist_sq) + (dxdt * (kv - F) / (m * sqrt(dxdt^2 + dydt^2)));

        ddy = (g - (dydt * (v0 * cos(p0))) - (dxdt * (0))) * (dist_y / dist_sq);
        ddy = ddy + (dydt * (kv - F) / (m * sqrt(dxdt^2 + dydt^2)));

        % Integrate to get new velocities
        dxdt = dxdt + ddxdt * dt;
        dydt = dydt + ddy * dt;

        % Integrate to get new positions
        x = x + dxdt * dt;
        y = y + dydt * dt;

        % Store positions
        xs(i) = x;
        ys(i) = y;

    % Plot the pursuer's trajectory
    plot(xs, ys, 'g', 'DisplayName', 'Pursuer Trajectory');
    xlabel('X Position');
    ylabel('Y Position');
    title('Object Trajectories and Pursuer Path');
    grid on;
    hold off;

Key Steps Explained

  • Input Validation: Ensures the parameters are of the right type and within expected bounds.
  • Trajectory Calculations: Computes the positions for the projectile trajectories based on initial conditions and time.
  • Pursuer Dynamics: Calculates accelerations based on the equations provided, integrating them iteratively to get new velocities and positions.
  • Plotting: Visualizes both the trajectories and the pursuer's path in a single plot with appropriate labels and legends.

Code Usage Example

To utilize the function, invoke it with the desired parameters as shown below:

% Example parameters
v0 = 20;     % Initial velocity
p0 = pi/4;   % 45 degrees
x0 = 0;      % Initial x-coordinate
y0 = 0;      % Initial y-coordinate
F = 5;       % Force
m = 1;       % Mass
kv = 0.1;    % Velocity constant
g = 9.81;    % Acceleration due to gravity
t_end = 10;  % End time
dt = 0.01;   % Time step

% Call the function
plotTrajectories(v0, p0, x0, y0, F, m, kv, g, t_end, dt);


The plotTrajectories function intelligently combines kinematics and physics to visualize the motion of two objects and a pursuee’s trajectory under defined forces. It serves as a practical tool in modeling physics-based motion scenarios in MATLAB.

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This MATLAB function visualizes the trajectories of two objects based on initial conditions and computes a pursuer's dynamics influenced by gravitational and acceleration factors, offering a comprehensive analysis of motion scenarios.