Pseudo Code for Maze Game
This pseudo code outlines the structure and logic for a maze game utilizing turtle graphics. The key components include initializing the game, defining classes for game entities (player, enemies, treasures), handling movements, collisions, and game logic.
Key Components
- Game Initialization
- Class Definitions
- Pen
- Player
- Treasure
- Enemy
- Maze Setup
- Game Loop and Event Handling
Pseudo Code
Game Initialization
Start Game
Create turtle screen with black background and title "A Maze Game"
Set screen size to 700x700
Disable screen tracer for smooth graphics updates
Register game shapes (images for player, enemies, walls, loot)
Class Definitions
Pen Class
Define class Pen inheriting from Turtle
Set shape to "square"
Set color to "white"
Pen up (do not draw)
Set speed to 0 (no animation)
Player Class
Define class Player inheriting from Turtle
Set shape to "wizzr.gif"
Set color to "blue"
Pen up (do not draw)
Set speed to 0 (no animation)
Initialize gold to 0
Define method go_up:
Calculate new position (x, y + 24)
If new position is not a wall:
Move player to new position
Define method go_down:
Calculate new position (x, y - 24)
If new position is not a wall:
Move player to new position
Define method go_left:
Calculate new position (x - 24, y)
Set shape to "wizzl.gif"
If new position is not a wall:
Move player to new position
Define method go_right:
Calculate new position (x + 24, y)
Set shape to "wizzr.gif"
If new position is not a wall:
Move player to new position
Define method is_collision with other:
Calculate distance between player and other
If distance < threshold:
Return true
Return false
Treasure Class
Define class Treasure inheriting from Turtle
Constructor(x, y):
Set shape to "loot.gif"
Set color to "pink"
Pen up (do not draw)
Set speed to 0
Initialize gold to 100
Move to position (x, y)
Define method destroy:
Move treasure off-screen and hide it
Enemy Class
Define class Enemy inheriting from Turtle
Constructor(x, y):
Set shape to "enemyl.gif"
Set color to "red"
Pen up (do not draw)
Set speed to 0
Initialize gold to 25
Move to position (x, y)
Set initial direction randomly from ["up", "down", "left", "right"]
Define method move:
Determine movement based on direction (dx, dy)
If close to player, adjust direction towards player
Calculate new position (x + dx, y + dy)
If new position is not a wall, move enemy
Else, change direction randomly
Define method is_close with other:
Calculate distance to other
If distance < threshold:
Return true
Return false
Define method destroy:
Move enemy off-screen and hide it
Maze Setup
Function setup_maze(level):
For each row in level:
For each character in row:
Determine screen coordinates (x, y)
If character is "X":
Create a wall at (screen_x, screen_y)
If character is "P":
Position player at (screen_x, screen_y)
If character is "T":
Create treasure at (screen_x, screen_y)
If character is "E":
Create enemy at (screen_x, screen_y)
Game Loop and Event Handling
Create pen and player instances
Initialize walls, treasures, enemies lists
Call setup_maze(level)
Listen for key presses:
On left arrow, call player.go_left
On right arrow, call player.go_right
On up arrow, call player.go_up
On down arrow, call player.go_down
Run game loop:
For each treasure:
If player's position collides with treasure:
Add treasure's gold to player's total
Destroy treasure and remove from list
For each enemy:
If player's position collides with enemy:
Notify player dies
Update screen
This pseudo code provides a clear structure for implementing the maze game with turtle graphics. Each class represents a component of the game, encapsulating its properties and behaviors, while the main loop manages the game's state and interactions.
This pseudo code outlines the structure for a maze game using turtle graphics, detailing game initialization, class definitions for player, enemies, and treasures, maze setup, and game loop logic for movements and collisions.