Variable Namer

Naming Strategies for Block Sizes

This document provides naming suggestions for variables, functions, and classes related to block sizes in programming. It includes distinct strategies for naming block sizes, counts, dimensions, and related functionalities to enhance code

Empty image or helper icon


size of blocks list


Naming Suggestions for Block Sizes



For a variable that holds the size of a list of blocks, consider the following naming strategies:

  1. Block Size Variable: Indicates that the variable pertains to the space each block takes up.

    • Suggested Names:
      • blockSize
      • sizeOfBlock
      • individualBlockSize
  2. Block Count Variable: If the variable reflects the number of blocks in the list.

    • Suggested Names:
      • blockCount
      • totalBlocks
      • numberOfBlocks
  3. Block Dimensions Variable: If the variable encompasses width, height, or depth.

    • Suggested Names:
      • blockDimensions
      • blockMeasurement
      • sizeOfBlocksList



For a function that calculates or returns the size of the blocks list, consider the following strategies:

  1. Function to Calculate Total Size: A function returning the cumulative size of all blocks.

    • Suggested Names:
      • calculateTotalBlockSize()
      • getTotalBlockSize()
      • computeBlocksListSize()
  2. Function to Retrieve Individual Block Size: If the function retrieves the size of a specific block.

    • Suggested Names:
      • getBlockSize(index)
      • retrieveBlockSize(index)
      • fetchBlockSize(blockId)
  3. Function to Determine Block Count: A function that returns the total number of blocks in the list.

    • Suggested Names:
      • getBlockCount()
      • countBlocks()
      • retrieveBlockCount()



For a class that models the concept of blocks or a collection of blocks, consider the following strategies:

  1. Class for Individual Block: Represents a single block with its properties.

    • Suggested Names:
      • Block
      • BlockModel
      • SquareBlock
  2. Class for Block Collection: Manages a collection of blocks and related operations.

    • Suggested Names:
      • BlockList
      • BlocksCollection
      • BlockManager
  3. Class for Block Dimensions: Represents the dimensions of blocks, possibly including methods for calculation and manipulation.

    • Suggested Names:
      • BlockDimensions
      • BlockSizeProfile
      • BlockMetrics


The suggested names are crafted to enhance the clarity and maintainability of your code by accurately reflecting the purpose of variables, functions, and classes related to the size of blocks. These names align with best practices in naming conventions, promoting readability within the codebase.

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This document provides naming suggestions for variables, functions, and classes related to block sizes in programming. It includes distinct strategies for naming block sizes, counts, dimensions, and related functionalities to enhance code clarity and maintainability.