Code Visualizer | Python

Nested Coroutine Visualization in Python

This visualization outlines a Python code structure featuring nested coroutines and their relationships. It highlights the roles of `main_coroutine`, `sub_coroutine`, and `nested_coroutine`, as well as the `Task` class managing coroutine

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def nested_coroutine():
    print("Nested coroutine start")
    yield "Value from nested"
    print("Nested coroutine end")

def sub_coroutine():
    print("Sub coroutine start")
    for coro in nested_coroutine():
        yield coro
    print("Sub coroutine received:", result)
    yield "Value from sub"

def main_coroutine():
    print("Main coroutine start")
    for coro in sub_coroutine():
        yield coro
    print("Main coroutine received: ", result)
    yield "Value from main"

class Task:
    def __init__(self, target): = target
        self.sendv = None
        self.stack = []

    def run(self):
        while True:
                result =

                if isinstance(result, Generator):
                    self.sendv = None
           = result
                    if not self.stack:
           = self.stack.pop()
                    self.sendv = result
            except StopIteration:
                if not self.stack:
                self.sendv = None
       = self.stack.pop()
task = Task(main_coroutine)               


Visualization of Code Structure

The code provided demonstrates a series of nested coroutines in Python. Below is a representation of the code structure and the relationships among different components using DOT notation.

Code Components

  1. Coroutines:

    • nested_coroutine
    • sub_coroutine
    • main_coroutine
  2. Class:

    • Task
  3. Method:

    • run() within the Task class


  • The main_coroutine yields from sub_coroutine.
  • The sub_coroutine yields from nested_coroutine.
  • The Task class manages coroutine execution with its run() method.

DOT Notation

Below is the DOT notation that outlines the relationships:

digraph G {
    node [shape=box];
    main_coroutine [label="main_coroutine()"];
    sub_coroutine [label="sub_coroutine()"];
    nested_coroutine [label="nested_coroutine()"];
    Task_class [label="Task"];
    run_method [label="run()"];
    Task_class -> run_method [label="contains"];
    main_coroutine -> sub_coroutine [label="yields from"];
    sub_coroutine -> nested_coroutine [label="yields from"];

Description of Functionality

  • nested_coroutine: This coroutine prints a starting message, yields a value, and then prints an ending message.
  • sub_coroutine: This coroutine starts by invoking nested_coroutine, yields its values, logs the output, and yields its value.
  • main_coroutine: It starts by invoking sub_coroutine, yields its values, logs the output, and finally yields a value.
  • Task Class: Manages the execution of coroutines with a stack-based approach to handle nested coroutines effectively.


  • The design pattern implemented here showcases cooperative multitasking using Python generators which allow the coroutines to yield control back to the calling code.
  • Proper management of coroutine state is crucial as it determines the flow of execution.

For those interested in deepening their understanding of coroutines and advanced topics in Python, it is advisable to explore courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This visualization outlines a Python code structure featuring nested coroutines and their relationships. It highlights the roles of main_coroutine, sub_coroutine, and nested_coroutine, as well as the Task class managing coroutine execution.