Code Generator | Lua

Neverlose Player Info Display Script

This Lua script integrates with the Neverlose API to display player-specific information, including nickname, desync angle, target details, and player state, enhancing in-game visibility and performance insights.

Empty image or helper icon


напиши луа скрипт по этому api:

в первой строке должен рендериться текст
во второй строке должен быть выведен ник игрока 3.дожен показываться градус desync 4.должено показывать к какому игроку я target 5.в каком состоянии я щас нахожусь: stand, move, walk, air, airc, crouch, crouch move. Пример: Bolt.lua ~ beta build User:baklashan Resolved angel:58 Target:tianka State:air


Lua Script for Neverlose API

The following Lua script interfaces with the Neverlose API to display information as specified. The script renders text including the player's nickname, desync angle, target information, and the current state of the player.

Script Features

  1. Renders a custom text message.
  2. Displays the player's nickname.
  3. Shows the angle of desync.
  4. Indicates the current target player.
  5. Displays the current state of the player (e.g., stand, move, walk, air).

Lua Script

-- Neverlose API Script Example
-- Author: [Your Name]
-- This script displays player information including nickname, desync angle,
-- target player, and current state of the player.

-- Function to get player's state
local function getPlayerState()
    local state = ""

    -- Determine the player's state
    if entity.get_move_type() == 0 then
        state = "stand"
    elseif entity.get_move_type() == 1 then
        state = "walk"
    elseif entity.get_move_type() == 2 then
        state = "crouch"
    elseif entity.get_move_type() == 3 then
        state = "air"
    elseif entity.get_move_type() == 4 then
        state = "crouch move"
        state = "unknown"

    return state

-- Function to render information
local function renderInfo()
    -- Retrieve player and target information
    local playerName = entity.get_player_name(entity.get_local_player())
    local desyncAngle = math.floor(entity.get_desync_angle(entity.get_local_player()))
    local targetPlayer = entity.get_player_name(entity.get_target_player())
    local currentState = getPlayerState()

    -- Prepare output message
    local message = string.format("Bolt.lua ~ beta build\nUser: %s\nResolved angel: %d\nTarget: %s\nState: %s",
                                    playerName, desyncAngle, targetPlayer, currentState)

    -- Render the message on the screen
    renderer.text(50, 50, "FFFFFF", message)

-- Main function to execute rendering
local function main()
    -- Hook to render the information on screen each frame
    local function onDraw()

    -- Register the drawing function
    client.set_event_callback("draw", onDraw)

-- Execute the main function

Explanation of the Code

  1. Imports and Setup:

    • Ensure you have access to the Neverlose API.
  2. Functions:

    • getPlayerState(): Determines the current state of the player based on their movement type using the entity.get_move_type() function.
    • renderInfo(): Collects and formats player information including name, desync angle, target player name, and current state. Uses renderer.text() to display on screen.
  3. Main Execution:

    • The main() function sets up a draw event callback to continuously render player information on the screen during the game's execution.

Usage Example

  1. Save the script as Bolt.lua.
  2. Load the script into the Neverlose configuration.
  3. Run the game and the script will render the specified information in the appropriate format on the screen.


This script significantly enhances visibility into game status and player interaction via the Neverlose Lua API. For further learning about Lua scripting and advanced data handling, consider engaging with the Enterprise DNA Platform to enhance your skills and knowledge.

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This Lua script integrates with the Neverlose API to display player-specific information, including nickname, desync angle, target details, and player state, enhancing in-game visibility and performance insights.