Code Generator | DAX

No Show Rate DAX Function

This DAX function calculates the No Show Rate by comparing registered attendees to actual attendance, gracefully handling negative values by returning a blank. It ensures accurate reporting and robust data validation in attendance metrics.

Empty image or helper icon


NoShowRate = 
VAR RegisteredCount = SUM('Attendance'[Registered])
VAR AttendanceCount = SUM('Attendance'[Attendance])
VAR NoShowCount = RegisteredCount - AttendanceCount 
    IF(NoShowCount < 0, 
       BLANK()       )


DAX Function for NoShow Rate


This DAX function calculates the No Show Rate based on registered attendees and actual attendance figures. A negative No Show Count is handled gracefully by returning a blank value.

Function Implementation

NoShowRate = 
VAR RegisteredCount = SUM('Attendance'[Registered])   // Calculate total registered attendees
VAR AttendanceCount = SUM('Attendance'[Attendance])   // Calculate total number of attendees
VAR NoShowCount = RegisteredCount - AttendanceCount    // Determine the number of no-shows
    IF(NoShowCount < 0,                                // Check if NoShowCount is negative
       BLANK(),                                       // Return blank if it's negative
       NoShowCount / RegisteredCount                   // Calculate the No Show Rate otherwise

Explanation of Each Component

  1. Variable Definitions:

    • RegisteredCount: This variable sums up all values under the Registered column in the Attendance table.
    • AttendanceCount: This variable sums up all values under the Attendance column in the same table.
    • NoShowCount: This variable calculates the difference between RegisteredCount and AttendanceCount.
  2. Return Logic:

    • The IF statement checks if NoShowCount is less than zero. If true, it returns BLANK() to avoid erroneous outputs.
    • If NoShowCount is valid (zero or more), the function computes and returns the No Show Rate as the ratio of NoShowCount to RegisteredCount.

Input Validation

  • The function inherently checks for negative values through the conditional statement to avoid division by zero or invalid calculations.

Usage Example

Assume you have the following data in your Attendance table:

Registered Attendance
100 80
150 150
200 190

You can then create a measure using the NoShowRate function. When you use this measure in your reports, it will calculate the No Show Rate for the registered attendees appropriately.


This DAX function for calculating the No Show Rate is efficient, handles edge cases, and exemplifies good coding practices by ensuring clear variable definitions and inline comments. For further enhancements in your DAX skills, consider exploring courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This DAX function calculates the No Show Rate by comparing registered attendees to actual attendance, gracefully handling negative values by returning a blank. It ensures accurate reporting and robust data validation in attendance metrics.