Formula Generator | Excel

Non-Negative Time Calculation in Excel

This document outlines an Excel formula designed to calculate time differences while ensuring the result is never negative. It enhances an original formula by incorporating the `MAX` function for user-friendly outcomes.

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=IF([@[Best ETA from previous port]]>=[@[DP - PROFORMA ARRIVAL]];24*([@[TIME_actual_arrival]]-[@[Best ETA from previous port]]);24*([@[TIME_actual_arrival]]-[@[DP - PROFORMA ARRIVAL]])) but the answer cannot be negative


Excel Formula to Calculate Time with Non-Negative Output


To create an Excel formula that calculates the difference in time, ensuring that the result cannot be negative.

Provided Formula

The original formula provided is:

=IF([@[Best ETA from previous port]]>=[@[DP - PROFORMA ARRIVAL]], 24*([@[TIME_actual_arrival]]-[@[Best ETA from previous port]]), 24*([@[TIME_actual_arrival]]-[@[DP - PROFORMA ARRIVAL]]))

Enhanced Formula to Prevent Negative Results

To ensure that the output is non-negative, we can use the MAX function. The modified formula is as follows:

=MAX(0, IF([@[Best ETA from previous port]]>=[@[DP - PROFORMA ARRIVAL]], 24*([@[TIME_actual_arrival]]-[@[Best ETA from previous port]]), 24*([@[TIME_actual_arrival]]-[@[DP - PROFORMA ARRIVAL]])))

Explanation of the Formula

  • IF: This function evaluates a logical condition. If the condition is true, it executes the first calculation; if false, it executes the second.

    • Condition: [@[Best ETA from previous port]] >= [@[DP - PROFORMA ARRIVAL]]
    • True Statement: Calculates the time difference based on the Best ETA from previous port.
    • False Statement: Calculates the time difference based on the DP - PROFORMA ARRIVAL.
  • 24*(...): This part converts the time difference from days (or fractional days) to hours.

  • MAX(0, ...): This function ensures that the result of the IF statement is not negative by taking the maximum value between 0 and the calculated time difference.

Practical Example

  • Assumptions:

    • Best ETA from previous port: 4/12/2023 10:00 AM
    • DP - PROFORMA ARRIVAL: 4/12/2023 11:00 AM
    • Actual arrival time: 4/12/2023 12:00 PM
  • Calculations:

    • TIME_actual_arrival = 12:00 PM on the reference date.
    • If Best ETA is later than DP - PROFORMA ARRIVAL:
      • The formula would calculate: 24 * (12:00 PM - 10:00 AM) = 48 hours
    • If DP - PROFORMA ARRIVAL was used:
      • The calculation would be: 24 * (12:00 PM - 11:00 AM) = 24 hours
  • Final Output: The output is calculated as the maximum of 0, ensuring no negative results.


The enhanced formula provides a robust solution for calculating time differences in hours while preventing negative results. Utilizing the MAX function in conjunction with the IF statement allows for accurate and user-friendly outcomes in various data scenarios. For deeper understanding and practice, consider exploring the courses available at the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This document outlines an Excel formula designed to calculate time differences while ensuring the result is never negative. It enhances an original formula by incorporating the MAX function for user-friendly outcomes.