Pseudo Code Generator

Number Comparison Pseudo Code

This pseudo code compares two user-input numbers, specifically for Physics and Maths, to determine which is larger and displays the result. It serves as a useful blueprint for implementation in various programming languages.

Empty image or helper icon


  NUMERIC nNum1,nNum2
  DISPLAY "ENTER Aayan's physics NUMBER : "
  INPUT nNum1
  DISPLAY "ENTER Aayan's Maths NUMBER : "
  INPUT nNum2
  IF nNum1 > nNum2
    DISPLAY nNum1 + " is larger than "+ nNum2
   DISPLAY nNum2 + " is larger than " + nNum1


Pseudo Code for Comparing Two Numbers


This pseudo code implements a simple program to compare two numeric inputs provided by the user. The program identifies which of the two numbers is larger and displays an appropriate message.

Pseudo Code


  // Declare numeric variables
  NUMERIC nNum1, nNum2 
  // Prompt user for input
  DISPLAY "ENTER Aayan's physics NUMBER : "
  INPUT nNum1
  DISPLAY "ENTER Aayan's Maths NUMBER : "
  INPUT nNum2
  // Compare the two numbers
  IF nNum1 > nNum2 THEN
    DISPLAY nNum1 + " is larger than " + nNum2
    DISPLAY nNum2 + " is larger than " + nNum1

Key Points

  • The program starts by declaring two numeric variables, nNum1 and nNum2.
  • It prompts the user to input two numbers, specifically for Physics and Maths.
  • A conditional check is performed to compare both numbers.
  • Depending on the comparison, a message indicating which number is larger is displayed.

This pseudo code serves as a clear blueprint for implementing the functionality in various programming languages.

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This pseudo code compares two user-input numbers, specifically for Physics and Maths, to determine which is larger and displays the result. It serves as a useful blueprint for implementation in various programming languages.