Pseudo Code Generator

Number Translation Program Overview

This program translates numbers between 1 and 30 into French or German, with robust input validation. It guides users through valid number and language selections, ensuring clarity and error handling throughout the interaction.

Empty image or helper icon


Display a message asking user to “Please enter a number between 1 and 30 to translate”
If they don’t enter digits
Display a message “Please use digits”
Press any key to return to home screen

If they don’t enter a number between 1 and 30
Display a message “Please type an integer number between 1 and 30”
Press any key to return to home screen

If they do enter a number between 1 and 30
Display a message asking user to “Please enter a language (French or German)”
If they don’t enter French or German
Display a message “only French or German is allowed”
Press any key to return to home screen

If they do enter French or German
Display a message saying “The translation is XXX”
Press any key to return to home screen


Pseudo Code for Number Translation Program


This pseudo code outlines the logic for a program that translates user input based on a number and a chosen language (French or German). The user is guided through input validation at various stages.

Pseudo Code


DISPLAY "Please enter a number between 1 and 30 to translate"

IF INPUT is not a digit THEN
    DISPLAY "Please use digits"
    WAIT for user to press any key
    RETURN to home screen

IF number < 1 OR number > 30 THEN
    DISPLAY "Please type an integer number between 1 and 30"
    WAIT for user to press any key
    RETURN to home screen

DISPLAY "Please enter a language (French or German)"
USER_INPUT language

IF language is not "French" AND language is not "German" THEN
    DISPLAY "Only French or German is allowed"
    WAIT for user to press any key
    RETURN to home screen

IF language is "French" THEN
    SET translation = translateToFrench(number)
ELSE IF language is "German" THEN
    SET translation = translateToGerman(number)

DISPLAY "The translation is " + translation
WAIT for user to press any key
RETURN to home screen


Key Logic Points

  1. User Input Validation:

    • Ensures that the user enters a valid digit for the number.
    • Checks that the number is within the specified range (1 to 30).
    • Verifies that the user enters a valid language (either French or German).
  2. Translation Logic:

    • Based on the input number and language choice, the program retrieves the corresponding translation.
  3. User Feedback:

    • Provides clear messages to guide the user, especially in case of invalid input.
    • Prompts the user to return to the home screen after each interaction.

This structured approach enhances readability and provides a solid foundation for developing the actual program in any programming language.

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This program translates numbers between 1 and 30 into French or German, with robust input validation. It guides users through valid number and language selections, ensuring clarity and error handling throughout the interaction.