Pseudo Code Generator

Order Retrieval Procedure

This pseudo code outlines a function to fetch and display an order's details from a database using an order ID, ensuring efficient connection handling and result validation.

Empty image or helper icon


Create a simple function to view an order that is connected to a database


Pseudo Code for Viewing an Order from a Database


This pseudo code outlines the procedure to create a simple function that retrieves and displays an order's details from a connected database. The function will take an order ID as input and fetch the corresponding order information.


  1. Function Definition
  2. Database Connection
  3. Query Execution
  4. Result Handling
  5. Display Order

Pseudo Code

FUNCTION ViewOrder(orderId)
    // Step 1: Establish a connection to the database
    databaseConnection = ConnectToDatabase()

    // Step 2: Prepare the SQL query to fetch the order
    sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_id = orderId"

    // Step 3: Execute the query
    resultSet = ExecuteQuery(databaseConnection, sqlQuery)

    // Step 4: Check if the order exists
    IF resultSet IS NOT EMPTY THEN
        // Step 5: Retrieve order details from resultSet
        orderDetails = FetchOrderDetails(resultSet)

        // Step 6: Display order details to the user
        // Step 7: Handle case where order is not found
        Print "Order not found."
    END IF

    // Step 8: Close the database connection

FUNCTION ConnectToDatabase()
    // Code to establish a connection to the database
    // Return the database connection object

FUNCTION ExecuteQuery(connection, query)
    // Code to execute the SQL query using the given connection
    // Return the result set obtained from the query

FUNCTION FetchOrderDetails(resultSet)
    // Code to extract order details from the result set
    // Return the extracted order details

FUNCTION DisplayOrderDetails(orderDetails)
    // Code to format and print the order details to the console or UI

FUNCTION CloseDatabaseConnection(connection)
    // Code to close the database connection

Explanation of Steps

  1. Establish Database Connection: Use a helper function to connect to the database.
  2. Prepare SQL Query: Construct a SQL statement to request the order information based on the given order ID.
  3. Execute Query: Run the query against the database connection and return results.
  4. Result Handling: Check if any results were returned. If not, inform the user that the order was not found.
  5. Display Order: If results exist, extract and display the order details to the user.
  6. Close Connection: Ensure the database connection is closed after processing.


This pseudo code provides a structured approach to implementing a function for viewing an order from a database. It demonstrates good practices such as checking for empty results and managing database connections effectively. Implementers should adapt the SQL queries and connection handling as per specific database types and APIs used. For those seeking a deeper understanding or practice, consider exploring courses on the Enterprise DNA platform.

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This pseudo code outlines a function to fetch and display an order's details from a database using an order ID, ensuring efficient connection handling and result validation.