Code Generator | Power BI

Power BI Color Coding for Submission IDs

This guide details creating a calculated column in Power BI to color code `SubmissionID`s based on the presence of values in the `ResponseValue` column, applying conditional formatting for intuitive data visualization.

Empty image or helper icon


Table SurveyResponse Column SubmissionID Column ResponseValue In the Visual I am displaying the SubmissionID I want to color code the SubmissionID green if there is a value in the column ResponseValue


Power BI - Color Code Submission IDs Based on Response Values

In this guide, we will create a function in Power BI that color codes the SubmissionID based on whether there is a corresponding value in the ResponseValue column of the SurveyResponse table. If ResponseValue has a value, SubmissionID will be colored green.

Steps Overview

  1. Create a Calculated Column: To evaluate if ResponseValue is present.
  2. Use Conditional Formatting: Apply color coding based on the calculated column.

1. Create a Calculated Column

We will create a calculated column in the SurveyResponse table to check if the ResponseValue is not blank. Here’s the DAX code to achieve that.

DAX Code - Calculated Column

ResponseColorCode = 
        "Green",  // Color code for Presence of ResponseValue
        "Default"  // Default color (can be replaced as needed)


  • ISBLANK(): Checks if ResponseValue is blank.
  • NOT(): Reverses the boolean value from ISBLANK(), confirming presence of value.
  • IF(): Returns "Green" if ResponseValue has a value or "Default" otherwise.

2. Apply Conditional Formatting

Once the calculated column is created, you need to apply conditional formatting in your visualization:

Steps to Apply Conditional Formatting

  1. Select the Visual: Click on the visual where SubmissionID is displayed.
  2. Open Format Pane: Go to the Format pane of the visual.
  3. Conditional Formatting:
    • Locate the "Conditional formatting" section.
    • Choose "Background color".
  4. Based on Field: Set the formatting to be based on the ResponseColorCode column.
  5. Set Rules:
    • Use the rule where if the value equals "Green", set the color to green.
    • You can set other conditions as required for "Default".

Example Scenario

Suppose you have a SurveyResponse table defined as follows:

SubmissionID ResponseValue
1 Yes
3 No
4 Maybe

After implementing the above steps:

  • SubmissionID 1 and 3 will show as green because they have values in ResponseValue.
  • SubmissionID 2 will remain in the default color due to a blank ResponseValue.


This setup effectively color codes SubmissionID entries in Power BI based on the presence of values in ResponseValue.

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This guide details creating a calculated column in Power BI to color code SubmissionIDs based on the presence of values in the ResponseValue column, applying conditional formatting for intuitive data visualization.