Code Generator | Power BI

Power BI Conditional Formatting for SubmissionID

This guide details how to use DAX in Power BI to color code SubmissionID based on ResponseValue presence. It provides step-by-step instructions for creating a measure to enhance data visualization through conditional formatting.

Empty image or helper icon


Table SurveyResponse Column SubmissionID Column ResponseValue In the Visual I am displaying the SubmissionID I want to color code the SubmissionID green if there is a value in the column ResponseValue


Power BI Conditional Formatting for SubmissionID

This guide outlines how to create a function in Power BI to color code the SubmissionID based on the presence of a value in the ResponseValue column. If ResponseValue contains a value, SubmissionID will be colored green.

Step-by-step Implementation

1. Necessary Imports

In Power BI, the DAX language is typically used for calculations and conditional formatting. There are no separate imports like in programming languages, since everything needed is inherent within the DAX environment of Power BI.

2. Define the DAX Measure

We'll create a DAX measure that evaluates the ResponseValue column for each submission.

ColorCodeSubmissionID = 
        "Default"  // Default color if ResponseValue does not exist

3. Documentation Block

 * ColorCodeSubmissionID
 * This measure checks if the ResponseValue column in the SurveyResponse table
 * contains a value for each SubmissionID. If a value exists, it returns "Green";
 * otherwise, it returns "Default" for standard formatting.
 * Parameters: None
 * Returns: 
 *    - String representing the color to be used for submission IDs
 * Exceptions: None

4. Input Validation

This measure inherently checks for BLANK values, thereby functioning adequately in terms of input validation by only processing valid entries in ResponseValue.

5. Commentary on Logic

  • SUM: We use SUM to aggregate the ResponseValue for each unique SubmissionID.
  • ISBLANK: Checks whether the returned sum is blank (i.e., if no response was provided).
  • IF: Outputs "Green" if there is data; otherwise, it returns "Default", where "Default" can represent the standard color in Power BI.

6. Applying Conditional Formatting

To implement this in your report:

  1. Select the visual displaying the SubmissionID.
  2. Go to Format Pane.
  3. Locate the Conditional Formatting section.
  4. Choose Background Color or Font Color based on your preference.
  5. Set the rule to use the ColorCodeSubmissionID measure you created.

Code Usage Example

Assuming you have a table called SurveyResponse in your Power BI data model:

  • Create a table visual with SubmissionID included.
  • Add the above measure (ColorCodeSubmissionID).
  • Configure the visual to use this measure for conditional formatting.

Now, when you visualize your results, any SubmissionID with a corresponding value in ResponseValue will be highlighted in green, enhancing the data visualization and user experience.


Utilizing DAX for conditional formatting in Power BI enables dynamic and interactive reporting. This approach enhances your dashboard's readability and comprehensibility.

For more advanced DAX techniques and best practices, consider exploring courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This guide details how to use DAX in Power BI to color code SubmissionID based on ResponseValue presence. It provides step-by-step instructions for creating a measure to enhance data visualization through conditional formatting.