Code Explainer

PowerApps Asset Due Date Checker

This PowerApps formula checks if an asset's due date in the 'Asset Manager' is not blank by calculating a specific date and performing a lookup. It’s useful for dynamic data assessments based on user input within applications.

Empty image or helper icon


!IsBlank(LookUp('Asset Manager', 'Due date' = DateAdd(_firstDayInView,ThisItem.Value,Days)).Title)


Code Explanation

The provided code snippet is written in PowerApps formula language and is used to assess whether a particular asset in a data source has a due date that is not blank. Below is a breakdown of the components.

Breakdown of the Code

1. Function Overview:

  • !IsBlank(value): This function returns true if the value is not blank (i.e., it has data) and false if it is blank. The exclamation mark (!) is used for negation, which means that if the value is blank, it will return false.

2. LookUp Function:

  • LookUp('Asset Manager', condition).Title: The LookUp function searches a table ('Asset Manager') for the first record that meets a specified condition. The function then retrieves the Title of that record.
    • Parameters:
      • 'Asset Manager': This is the reference to the data source (table) being queried.
      • Condition: 'Due date' = DateAdd(_firstDayInView, ThisItem.Value, Days): This condition specifies the criteria for finding the record.

3. DateAdd Function:

  • DateAdd(startDate, days, timeUnit): This function adds a specified number of time units (in this case, days) to a given date.
    • Parameters:
      • _firstDayInView: This is likely a variable representing a base date.
      • ThisItem.Value: The number of days to add to _firstDayInView. This represents a dynamic value from the item currently being processed in a gallery or a form.
      • Days: This indicates that the addition is done in days.

Putting It All Together

In summary, the full code snippet evaluates if the Title of an asset—found within the 'Asset Manager' data source where the 'Due date' matches calculated date from _firstDayInView and ThisItem.Value—is not blank.

Overall Functionality:

  1. Date Calculation: Calculate a new date based on _firstDayInView and ThisItem.Value.
  2. Data Lookup: Check if there exists a record in 'Asset Manager' where the 'Due date' matches the calculated date.
  3. Blank Check: Determine if the Title of the found record is not blank.

Example Scenario

For example, if _firstDayInView is set to April 1, 2023, and ThisItem.Value is 5, the code checks for assets with a due date of April 6, 2023 in the 'Asset Manager' table. It ultimately checks if the Title associated with that due date is available (not blank).


This PowerApps formula demonstrates how to check for the existence of relevant data based on dynamic conditions and is useful in scenarios where user input influences the data query results. Understanding these functions enhances one's ability to work effectively within PowerApps and handle similar requirements in applications developed using low-code solutions.

For further mastery of such formulas and other related concepts, consider exploring the comprehensive resources available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This PowerApps formula checks if an asset's due date in the 'Asset Manager' is not blank by calculating a specific date and performing a lookup. It’s useful for dynamic data assessments based on user input within applications.