Pseudo Code Generator

Pseudo Code for Pandas DataFrame Operations

This document provides pseudo code for common DataFrame manipulations using Pandas in Python, including creation, filtering, sorting, grouping, and exporting data, serving as a structured guide for data handling techniques.

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Pseudo Code for Pandas DataFrame Manipulation


This pseudo code outlines the steps to perform common operations on a DataFrame using the Pandas library in Python. The logic involves creating a DataFrame, manipulating data, and performing analysis.


1. Import Necessary Libraries

  • Import the Pandas library to utilize its data manipulation capabilities.
IMPORT pandas as pd

2. Create a DataFrame

  • Define a dictionary with sample data.
  • Convert the dictionary into a Pandas DataFrame.
DEFINE data AS {
    'Column1': [value1, value2, value3],
    'Column2': [value4, value5, value6],
    'Column3': [value7, value8, value9]
CREATE DataFrame df FROM data

3. Display the DataFrame

  • Print the contents of the DataFrame for verification.

4. DataFrame Manipulation

4.1. Add a New Column

  • Create a new column based on existing data.
df['NewColumn'] = df['Column1'] + df['Column2']

4.2. Filter Rows

  • Filter the DataFrame to include only rows meeting specific criteria.
FILTERED_df = df WHERE df['Column1'] > threshold

4.3. Sort Data

  • Sort the DataFrame by a specific column in ascending order.
SORTED_df = df SORT BY 'Column2' IN ascending order

4.4. Group Data

  • Group data by a specific column and calculate the mean of another column.
GROUPED_df = df GROUP BY 'Column3' CALCULATE mean OF 'NewColumn'

5. Data Analysis

  • Perform calculations or aggregations on the DataFrame.

5.1. Calculate Mean

  • Calculate the mean of a specific column.
mean_value = MEAN(df['NewColumn'])

5.2. Summary Statistics

  • Generate summary statistics for the DataFrame.
summary = df DESCRIBE

6. Export DataFrame

  • Save the manipulated DataFrame to a CSV file.
EXPORT df TO 'output_file.csv' WITH index FALSE


This pseudo code serves as a guide for performing common Pandas operations, facilitating the understanding of DataFrame manipulation in a structured manner. Each section addresses a specific aspect of data handling, such as creation, manipulation, analysis, and export. For further training on data manipulation techniques, consider exploring the resources available on the Enterprise DNA platform.

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This document provides pseudo code for common DataFrame manipulations using Pandas in Python, including creation, filtering, sorting, grouping, and exporting data, serving as a structured guide for data handling techniques.