Pseudo Code Generator
Pseudo Code for VGAE with CPM on Karate Club Dataset
This document presents a structured pseudo code representation for implementing a Variational Graph Autoencoder (VGAE) with Community Partitioning Method (CPM) tailored for the Karate Club dataset, detailing model setup, training,
Pseudo Code for VGAE with CPM on Karate Club Dataset
This document provides a clear and structured pseudo code representation of the given Python script to facilitate understanding of the underlying logic and functionality.
1. Set Up Environment
Import necessary libraries:
- PyTorch and functional components for neural networks.
- Karate Club dataset from PyTorch Geometric.
- Graph neural network components (GCN and VGAE).
- Other utilities for graph handling and plotting.
Set random seeds for reproducibility.
2. Load Dataset
Initialize random_seed using 42
Load Karate Club dataset into 'dataset'
Obtain 'data' as the first element of dataset
Split edges of 'data' into training and testing sets
3. Define GCN Encoder
Class GCNEncoder:
Constructor(in_channels, hidden_channels, out_channels):
Initialize super class
Create first convolution layer (GCNConv) with in_channels and hidden_channels
Create second convolution layers for mean and log std (GCNConv) with hidden_channels and out_channels
Function forward(x, edge_index):
Apply ReLU activation on conv1
Get 'mu' and 'logstd' from conv2_mu and conv2_logstd using x and edge_index
Return mu and logstd
4. Define VGAE Model with CPM
Class VGAEWithCPM inherits VGAE:
Initialize super class with encoder
Function forward(x, edge_index):
Call encode method from parent class
Apply cpm_community_detection using z and edge_index
Return z and memberships
Function cpm_community_detection(z, edge_index):
Convert edge_index to NetworkX Graph
Create similarity_matrix from embeddings z using cosine similarity
Define weighted_edges based on similarity_matrix
Add weighted_edges to graph G
Set k = 3 for k-clique communities
Get list of communities using k_clique_communities
Create an empty memberships matrix (num_nodes x num_communities)
For each community and its index:
For each node in the community:
Update memberships matrix to include the community
Convert memberships to PyTorch tensor and apply softmax
Return memberships
5. Initialize Model and Optimizer
Create encoder with GCNEncoder taking dataset properties
Create model instance of VGAEWithCPM passing encoder
Initialize optimizer as Adam with model parameters and learning rate = 0.01
6. Define Utility Function for Adjacency Matrix
Function get_adjacency_matrix(edge_index, num_nodes):
Initialize adj matrix (zeros of size num_nodes x num_nodes)
Set adj[edge_index[0], edge_index[1]] to 1
Return adj
7. Training Procedure
Function train:
Set model to training mode
Zero gradients in optimizer
Get z and memberships from model using training edge_index
Calculate adjacency matrix using get_adjacency_matrix
Compute loss as reconstruction loss + regularization on memberships
Backpropagate loss
Step optimizer
Return loss value
8. Execute Training Loop
Set epochs = 100
For epoch in range(epochs):
Call train function to get loss
If epoch is multiple of 10:
Print current epoch and loss
9. Model Evaluation
Set model to evaluation mode
Get z and memberships using training edge_index
Convert memberships to numpy array
Initialize network G from karate_club_graph
Set layout for visualization
Define colors for communities
Create plot:
For each node in G:
Get top community membership and draw nodes
For each edge in G:
Determine edge color based on connected nodes' community membership
Draw edges with the respective colors
Finalize plot with labels and title
Show plot
10. Calculate Omega Index for Community Detection
Function calculate_omega_index(true_memberships, pred_memberships):
Initialize agreements and possible_agreements
For each pair of nodes (i, j):
Calculate overlaps between ground truth and predictions
Update agreements count based on overlaps
Return agreements / possible_agreements
11. Prepare Membership Data and Calculate Omega Index
Set threshold value
Convert memberships to binary based on threshold
Prepare true binary memberships based on true_labels using data.y
Calculate omega_index using calculate_omega_index
Output omega_index value
This pseudo code captures the essential logic and flow of the original Python program while maintaining clarity and structure for ease of understanding.
This document presents a structured pseudo code representation for implementing a Variational Graph Autoencoder (VGAE) with Community Partitioning Method (CPM) tailored for the Karate Club dataset, detailing model setup, training, evaluation, and community detection.