Pseudo Code Generator

Pseudo-Random Number Generator from Seed

This function generates a pseudo-random number of specified length using an integer seed to initialize randomness. It constructs the number by iterating and updating the seed via a mathematical formula before returning the result as a

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def generate_random_number(seed, length):
    """Generate a pseudo-random number based on a seed value."""
    random_number = ""
    for _ in range(length):
        seed = (seed * 7 + 3) % 10
        random_number += str(seed)
    return random_number


Pseudo Code for Generating a Random Number Based on a Seed Value

Function Purpose

To generate a pseudo-random number of a specified length using a seed value.

Input Parameters

  • seed: an integer that initializes the random number generation process.
  • length: an integer that specifies the number of digits in the generated random number.


  • Returns a string representing the generated pseudo-random number.

Pseudo Code

FUNCTION generate_random_number(seed, length):
    INITIALIZE random_number AS empty string
    FOR each digit FROM 1 to length DO:
        seed = (seed * 7 + 3) MOD 10  // Update the seed using the specified formula
        random_number = random_number + CONVERT seed TO string  // Append the digit to random_number
    RETURN random_number  // Return the generated random number as a string


  1. Initialization: Start with an empty string random_number that will hold the result.
  2. Loop: Iterate a number of times equal to the specified length.
    • In each iteration, apply the mathematical operations to modify the seed.
    • The updated seed is constrained to a single digit (0-9) using the modulus operator.
    • Convert the seed to a string and append it to random_number.
  3. Return Statement: After constructing the random number, return it as a string.

This structured approach provides a clear understanding of the logic involved in generating a pseudo-random number based on the input parameters.

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This function generates a pseudo-random number of specified length using an integer seed to initialize randomness. It constructs the number by iterating and updating the seed via a mathematical formula before returning the result as a string.