Pseudo Code Generator

Quote Generation Pseudo Code

This pseudo code outlines the steps to generate a quote for selected products, including calculating sub-total, VAT, and grand total based on customer information and product details.

Empty image or helper icon


When the user requests a quote or a customer, the program should display all the products the user selected on customer’s behalf, along with selling prices and quantities of each unit, the sub-total, the VAT amount and the grand total that includes the VAT


Pseudo Code for Generating a Quote


The following pseudo code outlines the logic and steps required to display a quote for selected products on behalf of a customer. It includes calculating the sub-total, VAT amount, and grand total.


  • customer: Object representing the customer
  • selectedProducts: List of products selected on behalf of the customer
  • totalSubTotal: Float (initially set to 0)
  • totalVAT: Float (initially set to 0)
  • grandTotal: Float (initially set to 0)
  • vatRate: Float (percentage representing VAT rate, e.g., 0.20 for 20%)

Main Steps

  1. Get Customer Information

    • Prompt for customer ID or details
    • Retrieve customer information based on input
    • Validate customer exists
  2. Get Selected Products

    • Retrieve a list of products selected for the customer
    • Validate selected products are available
  3. Calculate Totals

    • For each product in selectedProducts:
      • Get productName

      • Get sellingPrice

      • Get quantity

      • Calculate subTotal for the product: subTotal = sellingPrice * quantity

      • Add subTotal to totalSubTotal

      • Calculate VAT: vatAmount = subTotal * vatRate

      • Add vatAmount to totalVAT

  4. Calculate Grand Total

    • Calculate grandTotal: grandTotal = totalSubTotal + totalVAT
  5. Display Quote

    • Print "Quote for: " +
    • For each product in selectedProducts:
      • Print "Product: " + productName
      • Print "Selling Price: $" + sellingPrice
      • Print "Quantity: " + quantity
      • Print "Sub-Total: $" + subTotal
    • Print "Total Sub-Total: $" + totalSubTotal
    • Print "Total VAT: $" + totalVAT
    • Print "Grand Total: $" + grandTotal

Pseudo Code

FUNCTION displayQuote(customerID)
    customer = getCustomerByID(customerID)
    IF customer is NULL THEN
        PRINT "Customer not found"

    selectedProducts = getSelectedProducts(customerID)
    IF selectedProducts is EMPTY THEN
        PRINT "No products selected for this customer"

    totalSubTotal = 0
    totalVAT = 0
    vatRate = 0.20  # Example VAT rate

    FOR each product IN selectedProducts DO
        productName =
        sellingPrice = product.price
        quantity = product.quantity
        subTotal = sellingPrice * quantity

        totalSubTotal = totalSubTotal + subTotal
        vatAmount = subTotal * vatRate
        totalVAT = totalVAT + vatAmount
    grandTotal = totalSubTotal + totalVAT

    PRINT "Quote for: " +
    FOR each product IN selectedProducts DO
        PRINT "Product: " +
        PRINT "Selling Price: $" + product.price
        PRINT "Quantity: " + product.quantity
        PRINT "Sub-Total: $" + (product.price * product.quantity)

    PRINT "Total Sub-Total: $" + totalSubTotal
    PRINT "Total VAT: $" + totalVAT
    PRINT "Grand Total: $" + grandTotal


This pseudo code effectively outlines the process of generating a quote, capturing essential calculations such as sub-totals, VAT, and grand totals while ensuring clarity and simplicity in logic flow. For further learning on best practices in implementing such features, consider exploring courses on the Enterprise DNA platform.

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This pseudo code outlines the steps to generate a quote for selected products, including calculating sub-total, VAT, and grand total based on customer information and product details.