Pseudo Code Generator

Random Apolitical Name Generator

This function generates a random apolitical name, combining a neutral first name and a last name from predefined lists, ensuring no political connotations while allowing for easy customization and unbiased random selection processes.

Empty image or helper icon


just a random apolitic name


Pseudo Code for Generating a Random Apolitical Name


To create a function that generates a random apolitical name consisting of a first name and a last name, ensuring the selection of both names is independent of political connotations.


  1. Define Lists of Names: Create two lists - one for first names and another for last names, ensuring that all names are neutral.

  2. Random Selection Function: Implement a function that selects one name from each list at random.

  3. Display the Generated Name: Combine the selected first and last names into a single string and display the result.

Pseudo Code

FUNCTION GenerateRandomName
    // Step 1: Define lists of apolitical names
    DECLARE firstNames AS LIST
    DECLARE lastNames AS LIST
    firstNames = ["Alex", "Jordan", "Taylor", "Jamie", "Casey"]
    lastNames = ["Smith", "Johnson", "Brown", "Davis", "Williams"]

    // Step 2: Get a random first name
    randomFirstName = SELECT random element FROM firstNames

    // Step 3: Get a random last name
    randomLastName = SELECT random element FROM lastNames

    // Step 4: Combine names to form a full name
    fullName = randomFirstName + " " + randomLastName

    // Step 5: Display the generated name
    PRINT fullName

// Example of calling the function
CALL GenerateRandomName


  • The names in the lists are chosen to be neutral and avoid any political implications.
  • The function can be enhanced by expanding the lists of names or introducing user input for more customization.
  • Ensure that the random selection is unbiased by using a suitable method available in the programming environment.

This structure provides a clear representation of the process for generating a random apolitical name while remaining straightforward and accessible.

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This function generates a random apolitical name, combining a neutral first name and a last name from predefined lists, ensuring no political connotations while allowing for easy customization and unbiased random selection processes.