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Ranking Products with Virtual Tables in DAX

Learn how to create a virtual table in DAX to rank products based on sales data, using key functions like `SUMMARIZE` and `RANKX` for insightful analysis across regions or customers.

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i need to crate a virtual table and it be taken as table reference while doing ranking of a product by region or customer using RANK Ex Function


Creating a Virtual Table for Ranking in DAX


In this explanation, we will cover how to create a virtual table in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) that can be used for ranking products based on regions or customers. Specifically, we will focus on the RANKX function, which allows for ranking within the context of specific criteria.

Key Terms

  • Virtual Table: A temporary table created in memory that can be used for calculations without permanently storing data.
  • RANKX Function: A DAX function that ranks values in a column based on a specific expression.

Steps to Create a Virtual Table

  1. Define the Virtual Table: You can create a virtual table using the SUMMARIZE or FILTER functions to aggregate data as needed.

  2. Use RANKX for Ranking: Once the virtual table is defined, apply the RANKX function to rank the products based on your criteria (e.g., sales amount) for each region or customer.

Step-by-Step Example

Step 1: Create the Virtual Table

To create a virtual table, you can use the SUMMARIZE function to group your data. Here’s an example written in DAX:

VirtualTable =
    "TotalSales", SUM(SalesData[SalesAmount])


  • SalesData is the original data source.
  • The table is grouped by product and region.
  • A new column, "TotalSales", sums the sales amounts for this grouping.

Step 2: Rank the Products

Now that the virtual table is created, you can use RANKX to rank the products within each region based on total sales:

RankedProducts =
        FILTER(VirtualTable, [Region] = EARLIER([Region])),


  • ADDColumns adds a new column to the virtual table.
  • RANKX ranks the total sales for products filtered by the current region using EARLIER to refer to the current row context.
  • DESC indicates that the ranking is in descending order (higher sales = higher rank).


  • Virtual Table Creation: Use SUMMARIZE to compile relevant data into a temporary table.
  • Ranking: Employ RANKX within ADDColumns to assign ranks to products based on your criteria for each region or customer.

By following these steps, you will gain insights into product performance across different regions or customers neatly organized through ranks. Understanding these concepts will enhance your ability to analyze data efficiently using DAX in tools like Power BI.

Recommended Learning Resources

To deepen your understanding of DAX and related functionalities, consider accessing resources on the Enterprise DNA Platform, which provides comprehensive courses and tutorials on data analysis techniques.

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Learn how to create a virtual table in DAX to rank products based on sales data, using key functions like SUMMARIZE and RANKX for insightful analysis across regions or customers.